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against the world
Monday, 20 June 2005
i have trouble sticking thinks out, seeing them through (except for marriage and lego projects apparently). i had a comic strip, twice, and it fizzled, twice. i had an ongoing thing of being a writer (writing every day, cranking out many things still unpublished), but that fizzled into an occasional thing (occasional including the second gardia book getting into my head again lately, probably to see some light in a few weeks when hayley and kieran are in school). i started this blog and had a hell of a good time for a while, knocking out some great stuff, throwing in some of my best material and really making a go of it... but no one read it (save my wife and a couple others (literally)) and it's fizzled. i keep trying to restart it, jump it into overdrive, get all the things in my head out, even if no one really bothers to read it regularly

but, then i sit down and just don't feel up to it, and you know why? cause i keep trying to make every entry into more of an essay, an addition to my old rodent bits column (another thing that fizzled) rather than a blog. thing is, i don't care for the kind of blog that has drunk folks commentating on their nights out while on the verge of passing out, or sketchpads (for literal sketches or for passing ideas (a la warren ellis, though his bad signal has just enough interesting stuff that i still subscribe)). i want mine to be more, but i can't keep up with what i want it to be

and, so here i am, coming into this entry with the idea of celebrity charades on my mind, wanting to go on and on about how reality television has truly, like so many projects of mine, fizzled and died--not that we won't happily watch it twitch for a while--and i wanted to segue into some other recent television, like my defense (albeit not a strong one) of the inside or my offense at the plot of last week's premiere of the closer despite some damn good writing and characterization... but what's the point in that when i started this thing because of politics?

--insert a big smirk here--

of course, isn't my whole thing, my gimmick if you will, to make strange segues between pop culture and politics and religion and my own disgust at most of it? or something like that. i should be saying today that, despite what the Right would have us think, we are not all at war, we are not all in danger. and, i should be cleverly linking that into discussion of the inside's idea of putting the bait at the forefront of the show, nevermind the cries of mysogny, or talk of how the closer's love for junkfood (but not donuts) isn't as cliched as some reviews would have you think, and making sure to mention cheney suggesting last week (or at least it made it onto the daily show last week) there wasn't point in arguing against people who disagreed with him, and maybe i'd throw in some prognostication about iraq and how the suicide bomber killing folks at a police station there is certainly not much of a good sign of our supposed success

but, i'm not in the mood for cleverness. hell, you know what i want to do today? i want to get a new pen to carry around in my pocket wherever i go, as the previous one died yesterday, and i want to wander across town with my kids, and research some stuff on samurai and bushido for lion, horse, tree and do some work on my lego astromech droid (you can see the head, for some sense of scale, here) and maybe squeeze in a movie, and tonight there's six feet under, hell's kitchen, bullshit!, the closer (which better prove tonight that writers of good characters can handle good plots as well, and not the predictable case they had last week... hell, between the cliches of this show and the inside, i wonder if the network cop show is finally dead as well) and the daily show. but, i'll be writing soon. thoughts of lion, horse, tree are playing about the corners of my head, twisting and shouting and asking me to let them out, so i'll probably have to be getting to that soon, and maybe i'll get this little blog here going again as well

or not

Posted by ca4/muaddib at 8:37 AM PDT
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