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against the world
Friday, 22 July 2005
don't wear a coat in london

more explosions in london the other day and apparently, they're all freaking out now. a guy of asian descent dared wear a long coat on a warm day and plainclothes cops chased him down and when he fell down they shot him multiple times and he died

sure, it's possible he actually was a "terrorist" but the entirety of cause those cops had was that he had on a coat and ran from the police--note, of course, those police were not in uniform, and who wouldn't run from a bunch of guys with guns?

it should be noted that one witness said the man appeared to have "a bomb belt and wires coming out." of course, then you have to notice that after the fact, reports haven't mentioned that bomb belt and those wires actually having been there

and this witness comment should be noted as well: "they pushed him onto the floor and unloaded five shots into him. he's dead. he looked like a cornered fox. he looked petrified." that witness went on to say that the guy didn't have any wires, just a thick coat... in london. isn't it the way of things in london, weatherwise, that if you wait five minutes the weather will change? isn't that what they say? maybe, despite the heat, this guy just liked to be prepared. or maybe he's a big fan of columbo. or maybe he's mentally retarded. or maybe he's a terrorist who just happened to have on his coat but didnt' bring his bomb today...

do any of those things demand his death?

Posted by ca4/muaddib at 8:17 AM PDT
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