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against the world
Friday, 2 September 2005
disaster relief... it's the new christmas!

let's state it simply. the new american way of not caring about the world or even the rest of our country all the time is to throw a bunch of money at that world or that country when disaster strikes. sue, relief organizations have existed for a long time, and sure people have made donations before. but, between the reaction to (and coverage of) the hurricane hitting new orleans and the tsunami earlier this year, it's a little pathetic, the size of teh divergence between how much we supposedly care now, when disaster strikes, as compared to how much we cared about, i don't know, the amount of poverty in new orleans or in southeast asia before these disasters

but, of course, we'd have to pay attention to more than just the live team coverage at the top of the news hour to be able to care, wouldn't we?

and, we just don't have the energy for that. we're too busy worrying about what new songs we should put on our ipods, what new ringtones we should put on our cellphones, what tome cruise and katie holmes are doing this week, what lie from george bush and his cronies we're expected to believe of late...


needless to say, i won't be donating any money, and not just because i can't afford it--send donations by paypal to, save us from this horror of life in southern california--but because i don't feel like fueling the hypocrisy of america. we run out and kill some of the peoples of the world, and sit back and watch american idol and dancing with the stars, and we wait for a disaster, nevermind the ongoing disaster that is the freight train of our culture and our war


Posted by ca4/muaddib at 8:34 AM PDT
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Monday, 26 September 2005 - 9:49 AM PDT

Name: Sherri
Home Page:

Robert Black, you are one sick puppy. Your posts serve no purpose other than to reiterate that point.

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