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against the world
Thursday, 3 November 2005
prop 73 - parents' right to know
ok, i'm against all propositions on principal, as i'm of a mind that we shouldn't be dictating everything by adding more and more laws, but there's a much better reason to be against the california proposition (and, i'm sure, similar policies put forth elsewhere) that makes it so a doctor has to inform the parents of a girl under 18 who wants to have an abortion. and, that much better reason is quite simple:

scam artists

see, there's a provision in the proposition that sets up a statutory reward of $10,000 to parents who were not properly informed (and, that's not counting any damages they might seek in court, of course, litigious society that we are). so, here's the problem as i see it: what about parents who deliberatly get their minor children pregnant then force those children to no only get abortions but to lie to their doctors or mislead them at least so as to keep proper notification from happening? hm? and we'll pay them $10k to do this? how many times can a teenage girl get pregnant in a year? i'd wager, giving her some recovery time and all, she could still probably manage 6 pregnancies a year, that's $60,000 a year family income just from knocking up one minor child. if you've got more children, you could become millionaires off this proposition. hell, welfare mothers with enough children under their care (not that children of welfare mothers are still in the house by the time they are teenagers, mind you) could knock them all up and rule the world. and, then they'll just get a new proposition getting them even more money for their abortions, and soon we'll be paying teen mothers outright not to have kids, like we pay farmers not to grow crops, and what will happen to god's dictum to be fruitful and multiply?

ultimately, the thing is, what would jesus do? would he deliberately get his own daughter pregnant just to mislead a good doctor for $10,000? well, i for one, think he wouldn't, but that's just cause i've heard carpenters can make pretty good money, so who needs all the stress of all those medical procedures and coming up with new ways to NOT inform parents?

Posted by ca4/muaddib at 8:16 AM PST
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