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against the world
Tuesday, 2 May 2006
united 93: what about the family?
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so, at the end of united 93, the dedication is to everyone who lost their lives on september 11, 2001

and, i for one think it's nice of the filmmakers to include not only all the folks dying from starvation and malnourishment and various genocides and wars and traffic accidents and diseases and what have you all across the face of the earth but also the "hijackers" of flight 93 even. afterall, those were human beings as well and it's worth taking the time to mourn for their situation as well as that of the passengers. seriously, if more of those seeing the film would bother to think about what it really takes to put your life on the line like that (taking over the plane on a suicide mission that is, as opposed to charging the cockpit on a suicide mission), the world might be a better place

but, here's my concern. in writing this script, did they take into account the family of ziad jarrah or any of the other "hijackers" or just those of the passengers and crew? i mean, imagine mr terrorist pilot's family sitting at home and some night late on cable they happen upon this film and see their son depicted as being hesitant about the whole hijack thing. how ashamed will they be? how angry?

"our son would have been the first one out of his seat," they might say. "he wouldn't let that other punk ahmed al nami tell him what's what."

and, they'll call for another jihad, most likely

then another son will join up with some terrorist cell and another plane will be crashed and another film made and another late night cable viewing will just make the vicious cycle continue...

seriously, what's to be done about late night cable? i mean, just watch a shannon tweed film sometime and you'll want to crash a plane into something also...

hm, i think i lost my train of thought

anyway, well made film, good show and all that

Posted by ca4/muaddib at 1:15 PM PDT
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