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against the world
Wednesday, 5 July 2006
thank god for terrorists
first, it should be noted that my title is not serious. i wouldn't thank god for anything, even if he did bother to exist. second, i should clarify my thankfulness. without the so-called "terrorists" commandeering planes back in ought one, airline prices might not have been so cheap and sarah (now my wife) would not have been able to afford five flights between her home in pennsylvania and california inside a half year or so and we wouldn't have ever moved in together and we wouldn't be married

but, enough about that. in other news, it's just coming out that, back in march, a handful of us soldiers deliberately murdered the family of a young iraqi girl they saw while running a roadblock, just so they could have the time to rape her before they shot her and burned her (and her family's) remains

and, on that light note, i should mention that north korea has been firing off some missiles of late, one of them supposedly with a long enough range to reach alaska, and apparently this was breaking news the other day, cause we all know that 1) alaska is the #1 target of all sovereign nations with missiles and 2) if something is breaking news it just has to be important, nevermind all the car chases we get here in southern california that make "breaking news" status then mean nothing by like the next day--and that's if you're a car chase enthusiast

but, of course it matters that north korea has long range missiles, cause that means we can act threatened and act more justified in killing foreigners half a world away. you know, pretending that north korea will ever actually be a problem for us. but, nuclear warheads involved or not (in this test case, of course, not) japan wants the UN to get some sanctions going against north korea, cause such an evil, horrible place as our forever and constant enemy of eastasia, er, north korea wants to fire some nuclear weapons at us--or at anyone for that matter--a little slap on the wrist (aka sanction) oughta put a quick stop to that. bureaucracy trumps evil everytime, right. that is how god threw lucifer out of heaven, afterall, by passing sanctions against guys with horns

and instead of raping young iraqi girls, we should just be sanctioning them. cause sanctions never created any "terrorists" now, did they?

Posted by ca4/muaddib at 2:50 PM PDT
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