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against the world
Monday, 1 November 2004
the day of the dead
Mood:  spacey
past week, i got bored of my message board. too much of me rambling and no one responding. so, there's this, where that's the accepted format

saw the machinist yesterday, and thought 90 percent of it was great, a fantastic, complicated-bordering-on-confusing little film, 10 percent was okay, that ten percent being the end. somehow, the explanation for everything just couldn't hold up to all the build-up. christian bale was great, and crazy to have done what he did for that role (losing more than sixty pounds,for those of you that don't know, by eating little more than an apple a day, drinking whiskey and smoking a lot, plus getting only two hours of sleep a night, for three weeks or so)

the wire is about to get even more fun, with avon back and wanting his corners and string standing back, looking oddly powerless. one of the best shows on television, this one gets better and better

american dreams takes itself in so many directions at once, but it does it well, stringing together disparate storylines into a cohesive whole. my only complaint of late was with last night, gunny and the other soldier were beaten so badly they've only got one usable eye between them, but jj still has both his eyes? i think we can reocgnize him swollen, so let's up the ante and hurt the guy

boston legal was good. the direction has calmed down, the cases are getting more interesting, though there could be a little less quirky going on, more the practice, less ally mcbeal. great centers to this show though, in alan shore and denny crane (james spader and william shatner, respectively), and they can keep this up for a while. still needs to lose that BL behind the title, change the theme song, get new background music and calm the editing/direction even more. this show would benefit from being less hyper, making the quirky bits rarer and thus even more noticeable and potentially jarring

haven't watched the season finale of dead like me just yet cause of halloween

yeah, i went out for the trick or treat (don't you dare call it trick or treating, lest the grammar gods be set down upon you) with the kids, hayley as a vampire (sans fangs, though, cause the plastic ones were a little big and we had some trouble with the denture glue on the nice ones), kieran as a wizard, saer as a cat (cute enough for double candy at more than one house), plus hayley's friend vanasis as a witch. sarah and i didn't do costumes. i meant to go as the sandman or death or something dark like that, but i couldn't seem to find my cape beforehand. lots of candy begging, lots of candy received, and after a few days of enjoying the stuff, it'll be time for me to get back to exercising daily again (aside from my usual walks, which do great in maintaining my weight where it is but don't do much to lower it). since a year ago, i've lost something like 40-45 pounds, but that was in a couple bursts, with long plateus between. it's time to drop off another plateau and get below 200 pounds (for the first time in over three years). damn candy will make it difficult but not impossible

also, i like food. and, since this is the first entry in this here blog, i should mention i like to cook and i like the food network's good eats. the science stuff and cooking details are great. in recent weeks, sarah's schedule's been a bit busy, and since she can't drive, that makes my schedule busy and dinner planning a little hard sometimes. haven't prepared anything too interesting of late. invented my own chili recipe a few weeks back--had a little too much beer in it but i'll fix that on the second go, whenever that may be. entered one of my chicken recipes in the contest. won't know if i get to go to the competition until later this year

dora the explorer on the television now, for saer (just shy of two years) and kieran (4 1/2). arrested development season one, disc two and touching the void rented from blockbuster on the movie pass and waiting to be watched

dead like me, life as we know it and about an hour of bravo's 100 scariest movie moments waiting on video to be watched

nothing much on television tonight. might watch that unconstitutional documentary on sundance

and, tomorrow is election day. i'll be voting for the libertarian candidate, badnarik, for president. if i were in a swing state, or one not pretty much guaranteed to vote democrat, i'd vote kerry. i tend to go with the cynic vote, the anyone-but-bush side of things. neither kerry or bush will be great, so i'll take the new guy. better new shit (or at least a new angle on it) than the same old crap

Posted by ca4/muaddib at 9:07 AM PST
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