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against the world
Tuesday, 16 November 2004
false start
Mood:  not sure
i've started today's entry a few times. there was a line about condoleeza rice and her angry ways being more fitting maybe to secretary of state than national security advisor (not to mention her inability to do anything about national security). there was a line about how republican politics and american destruction of the rest of the world was paying off (for now) and life here is comfortable enough, and probably will remain so for a good amount of time (not that leaving all this shit to our kids is the way to go). there was a line about how i had nothing to say today; afterall, the Right dominates this country and holds more of the more powerful offices in this country, sets policy and doesn't listen to suggestions or allow for change from the Right way. but, what's the point--you know?

why bother speaking when no one's listening, even those who are? speak to the believers, preach to the choir, as they say, and they will just nod their heads--oh yeah, this country's gone to hell and bush and his cronies have got to go, and all that--but won't do a thing to fix anything. try to convince the opposition and you're likely to receive a beating if you aren't careful

dr phil can make a thing of how calling us divided is a bad thing cause we're still all american's but so what? a little too late for this quibble, but so are canadians americans, and mexicans americans, and brazilians americans and cubans americans and haitians americans and hondurans americans and folks from panama and uruguay and chile and argentina and paraguay and columbia and, well, too many countries for me to think of them all right now--they're all americans too. we don't hold a copyright to the name. hell, amerigo vespucci*, if you believe his claims in the first place, didn't even make it to north america. the name applies to the darker skinned folks down south who a lot of us wouldn't even care to acknowledge

we are the "united states of america" nevermind the lack of unity. we are not America

we are the thorn in the side of mother earth. we are the favorite child of mother culture**, the scourge of mother nature, burning away resource after resource, damn the consequences, slaughtering insurgents and innocents alike in the name of spreading democracy, when we can't even handle the real thing, instead hiding behind manipulative and manipulated electoral votes lest the more educated population centers get a grip over the direction of this country... not that that would end well, cause you know those hicks on their farms and in their trailer parks have a lot of weapons... maybe it's time we get some liberal militias going, if that's even possible, just to even up the odds and give ourselves a chance

i'll wait for you to stop laughing

watchlist for today:

  • the hunting of the president
  • jeopardy
  • the rebel billionaire
  • amazing race 6
  • house
  • the daily show

* where we get the name "america" for those of you who know nothing

** read daniel quinn's ishmael for 'mother culture'-the voice that guides so-called modern civilization

Posted by ca4/muaddib at 11:05 AM PST
Updated: Tuesday, 16 November 2004 11:09 AM PST
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