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against the world
Thursday, 18 November 2004
still, with the fcc crap
Mood:  spacey
Now Playing: green day - american idiot
so, we've gotten so concerned over what our children can see that we can't let them see a naked white woman (from the back and from the shoulders up, only) jump into the arms of a large black man? we've gotten so concerned with what our children see that we have yanked the viagra ads off the air and fired all the scantily clad cheerleaders and escorted them off the premises of our nfl games... oh wait, we didn't do that last bit, did we? gotta wonder about if the folks crying racism might have a point this time. if it were a white player involved, would this be anything?

it's not possible that shoulders are really that offensive, is it? it can't be moral outrage over nicolette sheridan taking off her towel (and showing us absolutely nothing), can it? i mean, if you want some outrage, how about we marvel over the apparent work sheridan has had done over the years, likely to fight off age since all she's ever had are her looks (and not much acting ability that i've ever noticed), but she didn't even look like herself in that monday night football segment. i'd guess a facelift or two, some botox maybe and some lip inflation... of course, what's wrong with that, right?

afterall, we love the recent, extreme takes on the classic television makeover. we give shows like extreme makeover and the swan a second season. we love that with a little surgery, we can all be beautiful. it's right up there with our chance ar being on a reality show could make us famous. fame and beauty, the two godly powers our american culture gives us outside of (and hand in hand with) money. and, the dream is, we can have it all. we can be famous just by qualifying for some reality show, even if it's the most insulting thing around, portraying us as ignorant rednecks or shallow socialites or what have you--we've all got something these shows can exploit to make us look bad, i'm sure

the thing is, as long as we can keep dreaming of joining the ranks of the celebrity gods, the millionaires (instant or not) or just settle in to surreal life quality pseudocelebrity, we don't have to fix our lives as they are, do we? we don't have to be concerned with our economy or our healthcare. we don't have to really think hard about how many people we have to kill in which third world country before we feel good about ourselves, before it truly feels like we're doing some good for the world. we don't have to question the authority of the president or the cia or the ministry of homeland security and how they want to infringe on our rights... don't we want our privacy destroyed? don't we want everyone to see all our dirty secrets? isn't that how we become famous these days?

of course, what happens when we have all had our fifteen minutes? what will the next step be in our battle to be the most shallow, most famous, most forgotten celebrity demigod around? what happens when we all want another fifteen minutes? how many reality shows does it take to get all three hundred million of us another quarter hour of fame? how many surgeries must we undergo? how many houses must we remodel? how many complaints must we file with the fcc? how many times must we pretend we're important and influential before we actually are? how many times must we pretend our voice matters in the grand scheme of things before we're muffled and muzzled for being a nuisance?

how many women must we see removing their towels before we put a stop to the "moral decay" of this country? i for one, am eager to find out ;)

no watchlist. it's thursday

Posted by ca4/muaddib at 10:15 AM PST
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