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against the world
Monday, 22 November 2004
the war on the culture of life
Mood:  cool
Now Playing: finger eleven

first of all, happy exploding head day. and, if you don't get that reference, you suck. and, if that reference offends you, good

second of all, new cia director says agents should support the current administration. odd how that wouldn't seem to fit with objective intelligence gathering and reporting, but what do you expect from an organization that was never supposed to have field agents in the first place*

third of all, apparently, there was a fight at a basketball game, or rather something approximating a brawl. and, some players have had some major penalties put on them. gotta wonder whether any criminal charges will be fairly given to the audience members involved as much as they are given to those players

fourth of all, a doctor in utah has been charged of the death of a woman with breast cancer. see, he treated her holistically and she skipped on some chemotherapy and surgery. was it stupid of her not to do what's proven to actually help in a lot of cases? yeah, probably. but, that was kinda her decision. stupidity is not illegal...yet, and probably won't be anytime soon. of course, government folks like to outlaw decision making if it doesn't jibe with the culture of life. that schiavo guy in florida couldn't kill off his braindead wife, and now this doctor in utah can't treat a consenting adult in the manner she wished to be treated. and, euthanasia doesn't even get press much anymore since they locked up kevorkian

when are people going to get it? you don't have the authority to decide who lives and who dies. only government officials can decide who dies, who gets executed, who gets aborted, who gets euthanized, who gets bombed, who gets shot full of holes while defending his home. only government officials can decide which deaths fit with the culture of life

you take your life into your own hands, be willing to be punished for it. you put your life in the hands of some unorthodox doctor, he better be willing to be punished for it as well. that utah doctor (we'll call him pontius, as the freudian slip of a typo on the los angeles times called him**) could face up to fifteen years in prison for doing something he believed was right and could work and to which his patient consented. you'd think pontius would take a cue from kevorkian and do his business in unmarked vans in deserted parking lots, hide that unorthodox shit from the prying eyes of big brother and his ministry of homeland (and culture of life) defense. see, you gotta keep things like this secret, keep revolutionary ideas (whether they relate to medical treatment or what have you) secret until you've got some support. otherwise, you risk jail time or a governor saying your wife has to be kept alive a lot longer, nevermind whether or not she's actually braindead already, nevermind whether or not it's good for her or not

and, why not discourage folks from getting the good medical treatment that actually works, anyway? i mean, we've got a population problem on this planet. maybe, if a few more folks would try some holistic medicine to fight off the big diseases like cancer, we'd not have so much starvation in the world--those sick people being soon therafter dead and all


  • i'm not scared
  • the daily show


  • slaughterhouse-five maybe

and, my website remodel is finished. go to or to see it. got a lego page now and a page of preblog essays

* yeah, the cia was never supposed to gather intelligence but just be the liaison organization between the other intelligence gathering agencies. odd thing is in recent years, there's been talk of a new department to do the job the cia was supposed to do originally

** doctor's name is actually pontis, david eugene pontis, but the los angeles times got a lovely typo out of his last name

Posted by ca4/muaddib at 10:30 AM PST
Updated: Monday, 22 November 2004 10:36 AM PST
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