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against the world
Thursday, 2 December 2004
all in all it's just a...nother brick in the wall
Mood:  cool
Now Playing: kids watching blue's clues

all over the place today

last night's lost was great. asshole from "in the bedroom" who showed up briefly last episode turned out to be someone bad. locke made some creepy looks and seems a little too reverent toward the island, not to mention his great black and white eyes in claire's dream. and, i'm siding with those who think charlie's genuinely interested in and protective of claire and not those that think that just cause he's gotten firendly with island guru locke that he'll turn out to be a creepy island lover. and, we're three weeks into what the producers said would cover 40 days (the first season, that is), and now we're getting a real plot going. great setup so far. this show is still going strong

house is also going strong, after three episodes so far (how many more before fox cancels it?). i don't even have a problem with the basic format of incorrect diagnosis after incorrect diagnosis until finally the correct one rears its head. the characters make it work, and all the details are fascinating. plus, the latest was a little different, as they were correct in what they later assume was an incorrect diagnosis, only to prove themselves wrong in thinking they were wrong. and, house's interactions with clinic patients are great

ghost hunters is not a brilliant hoax. it can't be. it's some serious investigators followed by a relatively unbiased film crew played for realism and aiming at disproving hauntings. if they could just get rid of those damn edited in flashes of faces and stuff that show up early in every episode...

today is saer's second birthday. there will be cake and dora the explorer hats and plates and napkins and whatnot later--speaking of which, i forgot to wrap a couple presents in dora paper last night, so how do i manage that today without getting saer all excited (then upset) about those gifts until opening time?--and i gotta pick up that cake today at porto's, plus i still gotta go to ralphs (for the second time today), the automotive store a few blocks from here, the post office and blockbuster, plus pick up hayley early from school, sarah early from work, and take saer for her two year tune-up before the comic book store and my parents' house for the "party"

and, i had intended to get the smog retest this morning, but that got postponed for tomorrow, except tomorrow the gas company's coming over to check our heater that doesn't work

but, at least there's no tv on tonight, so i can finally get around to watching veronica mars from two nights ago and whatever i rent at blockbuster today: maybe ararat and spiderman 2, maybe whatever jumps out and says "rent me." i've been enjoying documentaries lately, though i might be informationed out on the iraq/bush thing... like that's possible, and there aren't many other subjects of which blockbuster is getting the documentaries

watched the saddest music in the world yesterday and was sure i didn't like it, though it was very watchable (i loved the look of it, made to look like a movie filmed when it was set, in the 30s) and somewhat entertaining. but, then i was describing it to sarah, explaining how the younger brother lost his son (but keeps his heart in a jar, preserved by his tears) and his wife left him only to turn out to be the girlfriend (maybe) of the older brother, who's also got a thing going with the beer lady with no legs, who lost her legs when in a car accident because the father was drunk and cut off the wrong one while trying to save her from the wreckage, and did i mention he was drinking cause he actually liked her though she had a thing for his oldest son, and all three of them, the father and the two sons are entering the competition to see what country has the saddest music in the world, as run by the no-legged lady (though she does get some glass legs filled with beer late in the film, though those shatter quite nicely, and she uses some of that broken glass to stab the older brother) and... well, i think i like it a whole lot more now that i look back and see how fucked up it really was, a comedy about sad people with convoluted, silly relationships

and i've been reading tom strong book 2 which i got from the library (i was looking to get a copy of catch-22 or fight club or contact but none of those three was there, so i got the second tom strong book and the second cartoon history of the universe book) and it's fun and all, and well written and put together, but there's something a little off about the structure with all the short stories that makes it pale in comparison to moore's other work, promethea or from hell or watchmen being some obvious examples). that being said, even moore's not so great work is better than a lot of other comic writers' best

and, i liked slaughterhouse five a lot, though i think i expected more of the ending. i think i was hoping there would be a big revelation about how none of it was real and billy pilgrim was just reimagining his life in a more palatable fashion so as to live with it (which was implied time and again, but never explicitly stated). but, it stuck mostly with leaving it to the reader, which should be a good thing... i just didn't expect it

and, i could go on forever like this, touch on the last two episode of the daily show (with great guests brian williams and chris hutchins) or last night's jeopardy (in which jennings defeating emperor zerg lost to what appeared to be a twelve year old), but as i mentioned, it's a busy day today. and i should be getting on with it

Posted by ca4/muaddib at 10:15 AM PST
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