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against the world
Monday, 6 December 2004
nabisco: slave to puppet w
Mood:  lazy
Now Playing: green day - american idiot

i probably should have taken the car to get a smog check retest this morning. but, i just didn't feel like it. thing is, i don't feel like doing much of anything this morning. not sure why. i'm not tired. i slept plenty last night and as i loaded up this blog page to write a new entry, i put my mood as "sharp"

then, i had some crackers as a snack

clearly, we can assume crackers destroy sharpness. and, nabisco is clearly a supporter of the Right and the current administration in this country, and they are drugging their crackers to keep us wannabeheroes and pseudorevolutionaries down. they get us preoccupied with online research into the march 22 movement in 1968 france and we drift from there into the situationist international site (again) and from there to the struggle site and the red & black revolution magazine and i get to listening to american idiot and suddenly it's like and hour past when i expected to have today's entry finished and i've not even begun

but can i really blame nabisco for my own lack of initiative? i mean, clearly it is the american way to blame everyone else for all your problems. i've still got an old non sequitur comic on the message board here by my desk with the big corporate ceo saying "we have got to get in step with the times, gentlemen, and find a way to make us out to be victims of something." and, that's the way it is, isn't it? everything is someone else's fault. everything is always someone else's fault. never ours

comes in handy when we want to get a war on. pick a country out of a random list, drop some bombs and come up with an epxlanation on the fly whenever someone asks--doesn't matter if it's the same explanation each time, either--and no one will complain, cause they will get a nice feeling of something actually being done. nevermind figuring out if it's a good thing or not, just that it's being done at all is good enough. they don't really want to know why, they don't want to get involved. and, they certainly don't want to be held in any way responsibile for it...

except half of us do, apparently, cause puppet w will be around for a while longer, won't he? so, fuck discussions of responsibility, fuck discussions of explanations. who cares? the killing will continue. the bombs will keep on dropping. "9-11" will remain on the tips of political tongues for a good time to come. and osama bin laden will remain free cause what does it matter if he is or isn't? hussein was caught (aguably not by us, despite the wonderful staging of that whole spiderhole incident) and what has come of that? the war didn't end. peace didn't break out. the insurgents didn't suddenly realize that they were wrong and we were right and repent all their sins against us

of course, the world didn't end either, did it? it still goes on, and will keep on for a while. despite the destruction of certain elements of the environment, despite overpopulation, we will not be destroying the world itself anytime soon. we'll just be making a lot more of her people miserable. but, that's ok, as long as it isn't us. we will still have our sitcoms and our police procedural dramas, our law & order and our csi and we'll have basic cable and pay cable for those shows that smaller groups of us like, so we can pretend that we cater to everybody, so shut up and sit down and watch your niche's shows and leave the mainstream to sort itself out, let the fcc do it's damn job and eat your crackers

always eat your crackers

Posted by ca4/muaddib at 10:56 AM PST
Updated: Monday, 6 December 2004 10:57 AM PST
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