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against the world
Thursday, 9 December 2004
innocent until proven guilty? or until we don?t like you

no physical evidence links scott peterson to his wife?s death (hell, no physical evidence can conclusively say how exactly she died). but, of course, he?s guilty. he?s a philanderer, and he ordered porn channels after his wife?s death. he cheated on her when she was alive and further defiled her memory by masturbating while she decayed. how dare he

christian nation that we are, who?s surprised that we?d condemn this man to a guilty verdict? one sin is equal to another in the eyes of the lord. if scott is an adulterer, then surely he is also a murderer, nevermind the evidence. can?t we just know that he?s guilty and leave it at that? i mean, it?s not like he is famous, a sports star or black, so we can safely assume guilt based on gut feelings, right? we don?t need no stinkin? evidence. evidence is for the bleeding heart liberals of the united nations and the aclu. we don?t need that kind of qualification required for conviction. we don?t need proof. hell, the fact that scott can?t prove he didn?t do it is plenty of reason to assume he?s hiding all the real evidence still, to this day

that is the logic we used against saddam, isn?t it? we can?t find the evidence of weapons of mass destruction, but as long as he can?t prove he destroyed them, he must be hiding them. as long as scott can?t prove with indisputable video evidence and the testimony of a million witnesses that he was not at the scene of the crime (not that we even know where that is, of course), we have to assume he was there and is guilty

and, assuming guilt, mustn?t we jump straight into sentencing him to death? there?s no need to incarcerate him forever. i mean, we think he killed his wife and her unborn baby. so, let?s kill him and move on to the next big public trial, be it the blake trial or whatever sports celebrity decides to rape or decapitate someone next. let?s move on already. stop with the parading of witnesses who don?t even believe us when we say scott killed his wife and child. stop parading witnesses before us to convince us that it would be bad to deprive them of a loved one. and, really, no matter what you do, do not dare suggest that the death penalty is ever inhumane or immoral or that it won?t fix everything for the family of the victim?remember, laci and the baby will magically come to life once the death sentence is carried out; i mean, don?t we all remember the day mcveigh was executed and all those innocent children killed in oklahoma city rose from the grave and rejoined their living families? it brings a tear to my eye just thinking of it?

now, if we could just kill osama bin laden already so the thousands killed at the world trade center and the pentagon would be resurrected to go on with their lives, just like iraq is the peaceful eden it once was long ago now that saddam is dead? (oh wait, he?s not dead yet. there goes that theory)

Posted by ca4/muaddib at 9:00 AM PST
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