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against the world
Friday, 7 January 2005
antony flew the coop
Mood:  irritated

  • "A British philosophy professor who has been a leading champion of atheism for more than a half-century has changed his mind"
  • "British philosopher Antony Flew has been called the world's most influential philosophical atheist"
  • "After half a century the leading atheism proponent in the world now concludes that there is/was a God"
thing is:
  1. never heard of him
  2. don't care if he'll settle for the cop out of a god who created shit but now keeps his hands off
  3. don't much care for philosphers in general anyway
  4. really don't care for how it took like a dozen or more sites to even find different wording (i was going to quote a whole list of lines about him, but most news sites just used the AP article, pretty much verbatim)
see, this flew guy, who apparently was the god among atheists, to coin a phrase, decided that the intelligent design theory is the way to go after years of demanding that theists find the evidence for god

see, he can't figure out (and can't seem to find a scientist to explain it to him well enough) how the first organisms came into being. me--i think it's fairly simple. all the organisms we've got now are based around dna, which is nothing but chains of proteins which are nothing but strings of amino acids, which, belive it or not, are quite simple molecular constructs. and, it's in their nature to join together, and in the nature of the resulting proteins to also join together, and there you get dna, which is the basic building block of life. and, even if you can't pinpoint the exact moment when such chains started moving and living, does that really mean you jump on the intelligent design bandwagon?

and, if you do jump on that bandwagon, then don't you have to explain how god came to be? if you insist on explanations, then take it all the way, or accept at face value what is obvious and evident, that lifeforms evolve from generation to generation. and, no one can debate that, unless he has a serious mental defect. all you need is a group of more than one person or animals and take a look at the differences between them. if there was no evolution, they would be identical. of course, the devout religious freaks don't get that. they hear the word evolution, get offended that we're calling their parents monkeys and flip a switch in their heads that turn off their ears, not to mention the logical parts of their brains

nah, let's forget all the evidence. let's all bow down to the magic man in the moon (or sun, rather, since even a lot of what makes christ what he is today comes from earlier sun worship) and praise him and may he bless us all, keep us safe from the wars we wage

and, however many people read this flew guy's work, however many people loved it and learned from it, were changed by it, we (atheists, that is) don't have a christ, a pope, even a minister. we don't need spokespeople and teachers (though the latter can be helpful and the former could be useful). we don't need a savior, especially not some guy who got old and settled for the incomplete intelligent design theory

and, on a tangent here, why can't the news people write their own articles rather than regurgitate the AP words? why spread the same bits of information by so many means when we could all just as easily subscribe to the AP wire? how about we get some different points of view in the news (in regards to fallen atheists or the war on terror or that damn tsunami)

Posted by ca4/muaddib at 10:16 AM PST
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Friday, 7 January 2005 - 10:27 AM PST

Name: Sarah Black

I feel more fortunate each day that I get to be married to you. Thank you for being you, a breath of fresh air in the midst of all the bullshit.

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