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against the world
Wednesday, 26 January 2005
"what is this--miami beach?"
bush wants iraqi voters to defy terrorists and risk their lives to go vote for the guy we already picked to win the election

condi rice will be confirmed as secretary of state, no matter who cares

two boys (9 and 10) in florida were taken from school in handcuffs after drawing pictures of themselves killing one of their classmates. police said it constituted a "written threat to kill or harm another person."

republican senator wayne allard out of colorado expects the gop leaders to call for a vote on a gay marriage ban (that is, the big amendment to the constitution) in the next year or two

but, of course the big, horrifying news, is that lexington, north carolina intends to use a damn potbellied pig for groundhog day. what kind of piece of shit policy is that? and, who do these lexington folks think they are, anyway, trying to steal the thunder from punxsutawney phil, especially because of a "heritage of barbecue"?

that's right. i picked the groundhog controversy over all the rest as the big item of the day. forget about senators trying to tell people that love each other they can't marry--not like we can separate the religious (read: god-ordered) custom from the legal corporation of two people, lest we have to allow three people to get married if they like down the line, cause how dare consenting adults try to live together--or that one of bush's biggest cheerleaders is getting an even more prominent cabinet position, nevermind how badly she pulled off the last one. forget about boys being arrested for drawing (of course, there are still comic book artists on trial or in jail for creating pornography or ultra violent comics, not to mention that one ordered never to draw again). forget about the national deficit rising even as bush demands another $80 billion for war costs (as the death toll rises and the fixed election looms). and, don't even bother thinking about whether or not we might be starting a war in iran by summer or fall at the latest (by bombing the government so the citizens will take it upon themselves to revolt and welcome us with hugs and garlands of flowers, just like their iraqi neighbors did). and, don't bother thinking about deforestation or overly large suvs devouring our gas, soldiers murdering in our names, abortion clinics being bombed, drug addicts being thrown in jail while corporations that rape the natural world get nothing but rewards (monetary anyway... it makes one want to believe in karma). let's all worry about whether or not paris hilton needs to be writing a book and how will the new season of the simple life be, whether street smarts will win out over book smarts on the apprentice, will claire have given birth while she was missing on lost, will jack bauer get to save the world again on 24, will joey ever be as good as friends once was, and will that pig 'lil bit' predict the same weather punxsutawney phil will?

maybe bill murray can repeat next wednesday over and over and over again (again) until the wars end and the forests grow back and the real world matters more than the real world.


fun endnote: the spellcheck thought punxsutawney was me misspelling punctuating. that would be some seriously bad spelling, methinks

Posted by ca4/muaddib at 9:35 AM PST
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