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against the world
Friday, 21 January 2005
a moment of silence (or not)

so, a new revolutionary era begins, or so some cnn type commentators would have us believe. bush was downright messianic in suggested we should rid the world of tyranny... except, hasn't that supposedly been the goal of all of humanity since the birth of our modern culture that breeds those horrible tyrants? so, it's a powerful, revolutionary message, to suggest evil exists and we should go kill it?

the only amazing thing in bush's speech was that he barely bothered with the big "terrorist" word, instead going for (or against, rather) "tyranny"

the "war on terror" (a concept and not really anything against which someone can make war) is melting into something even broader and scarier. if only we could actually use the might and riches of the united states to stop the tyrannical acts across the globe (without being tyrannical about it, ourselves, of course), if we could do that fairly and broadly, unilaterally... if we could actually be the police of the world, maybe it would come to something good... well, as good as one might expect from our modern culture, anyway. except, no one can actually expect us to be able to do any of that. we will go where there is money to be made

we don't care about "terrorists" or tyrants. well, that says it wrong. the people of the united states might care about "terrorists" or tyrants--they might also care about the streets smarts vs book smarts apprentice battle, but that won't be changing the world anytime soon, will it?--but the united states as an entity unto itself does not care about those who might do us harm except to mow them over as we head into the pastures of green (money, that is), the fields of gold (oil, that is)

that being said, i would like to officially change my view on suvs at this time. i say, now, that we all get the biggest, baddest suvs we can, the h2, the excursion, the escalade, the avalanche, the behemoth (oh wait, i think i made up that last one), and we waste as much gas as we can, just guzzle and guzzle and guzzle away. let's get the world's oil supply to dwindle at an even more alarming rate. let's just burn through it all as fast as we possibly can. hell, let's start running our appliances on it. let's stop running power plants on coal and run those on oil as well. let's make it our goal to rid the world of all oil or oil related materials by, say, 2010

then, maybe we can get the fuck on with living, without the shadow of "terrorists" or the "war on terror" and someone will have to get us a damn alternative energy source already or we'll have to start thinning the herd (or rather, it will thin itself out naturally... and you thought i was suggesting some sort of genocide, didn't you?) so we can live comfortably without the expense of other lives (human lives)

or, we could keep stepping all over foreigners, killing near-indiscriminately because we want control over all the money and fuel and damn the consequences

Posted by ca4/muaddib at 12:01 AM PST
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