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against the world
Tuesday, 8 February 2005
screw it, i'm going republican

you ever get the idea it's too late for humanity? like, we've corrupted every society we can find around the world, poisoned every square inch of the environment and now it's all just going to spiral down to our death (hoever long we might be able to drag that out)

that kind of thing makes me want to jump on the republican, warmongering bandwagon. i mean, if we're all going to die anyway, and life will likely get more miserable sometime in the future, possibly in the next few years, possibly not for more than a century (for the richer nations, anyway), shouldn't we get behind the conquerors already? it's our onyl chance to make sure we still have access to potable water and fuel and lumber and... well, anything we want; we can take anything from anybody if we just give up on being fair and wanting something better for the planet and our species. give up the dream of revolution, give up the dream of some sort of peace, coexistence without war (if not without violence), and the sky's the limit. hell, there is no limit. conquer everybody, make the world your oyster and your slave, and fuck the environment, fuck peace. we can live in our penthouse in the sky, our mansion in the hills, live it up in the lap of luxury until we die, and all the destruction will remain out of sight, out of mind, if we pay certain people to keep it that way. we can make the media not report on the ugly things. we can pay lowly, desperate immigrants to clean up local messes and make our nieghborhoods (for when we absolutely have to go out into them) look good. we can kill anyone who tries to fuck with us and destroy anything we need to destroy to get what we want, precious metals, gems, lumber for a new addition to the house, veal or steak or otter meat on a whim. there is no limit to life for the rich when the rich own everything. there is no limit for the conquer as long as he can keep on conquering, as long as he can subjugate everybody else to his will, press down his boot on the neck of mother nature herself until she stops acting like she's sick fo christ's sake

afterall, god put us in charge, right? we are the bosses of all the animals and they shoudl be proud when we choose them for our slaughterhouses, for pens and cages so small they can barely move, for dates with bolts fired into their skulls, feet jammed into conveyor belt hooks, throats slit, and none of it meaning anything cause they are little more than parts on an assembly line. only, this assembly line makes your dinner, instead of that suv you use to burn fossil fuels and pollute the world a little more. god wanted it this way. that's why christ will show up soon. forget that nonsense above about the environment dying, or the notion that our culture will finally collapse under the weight of her own excess. god knew what he was doing. and, he put us in charge, knownig damn well that we would take it upon ourselves to replace him, to amke decisions in his stead, to rule the roost with an iron fist and a sherman tank and an atomic bomb (and, we're making new ones of those, by the way, according to government officials and experts via the new york times), and screw the sissies who would have us be nice to animals and only kill them on occasion or never at all. god set this up, and he's omnipotent and knows all. he's perfect. he wouldn't have set all this up, so seemingly imperfect, if there weren't a big solution in the making, a magical finish line that will make it all better. see, we can overcut forests all we want. we can poison water sources, damn the dead fish and wildlife. we can manufacture radioactive weapons, chemical weapons, cause none of it matters. christ is coming, and it will all be ok. in an instant, in the twinkling of an eye, he will return and all will be well (except for that whole final battle with the devil and all the horror that will bring, of course), and the believers will be swpet up into god's embrace and he'll kiss us and hold us and make it all better, and forgive us for fucking things up, cause, duh, that's what was supposed to happen... and why the hell didn't we destroy more trees? did we really think we had enough temples built already?

condi rice tells france to get over their disagreement with us (cause surely, it's pointless to dispute us, since we can blow them up just as easily as we're blowing up iraq), because that's what god wants, for every nation to stand behind the bulldozer of america. a suicide bomber blows himself up outside an army recruitment center in baghdad, killing 21 and injuring 27 and it's all in the name of allah and the thing of it is... it is in the name of allah, of elohim, of jehovah, of god the father and christ his son and the holy ghost and mother culture and her self destructive ways, caue it all fits, no matter what side of the war you're on, as long as you fight, as long as you make sure lives are lost, and resources are burned (literally or figuratively); it is all in the way of god, and any mistakes along the way will not matter once christ returns. the real enemies are the treehuggers, the folks of peta and greenpeace and truth and israeli prime minister ariel sharon and palestinian leader mahmoud abbas, who declared today that their people would stop all violent attacks against each other... but, i'm sure we can get them fighting again, with our terrorist factory in iraq. they can try for peace, and isn't it so damn adorable to see them try? but, in the end, we can still kill them, can still destroy their homes, so it is we the conquerers who will decide who lives and who dies and who gets to stop fighting. and, don't bother protesting, cause we can stomp on you protesters as easily as you'd stomp on a cockroach (not that you'd do that, you bug loving hippy bastards). and, don't bother with letters to congressman, cause they are in our back pockets and are dying to join and support us. don't you get it? you lost. the Left IS dead and god would have it no other way

Posted by ca4/muaddib at 9:45 AM PST
Updated: Tuesday, 8 February 2005 9:46 AM PST
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