Now Playing: a perfect circle - emotive
of course, no one but my wife will probably be reading today's entry anyway
by the way, i finally looked up terrific and it certainly does have a negative meaning despite it's colloquial use
that is all
or it should be
a contestant on the contender killed himself... or rather a guy who had already been eliminated (apparently, as just yesterday on the radio mark burnett said they had ten of the 16 episodes done and news reports of this guy's suicide said his part was done) killed himself. don't know if it ties together, maybe depression from putting his all into a goal he didn't achieve leading to shooting himself, or if it was unrelated (which seems unlikely). burnett says they won't make any special edits for the dead guy (though i'm sure there will be some on screen dedication or mention of the suicide). so, the next step is getting someone to die on camera, then we can get series 7 or the long walk or the running man going and accept that we're not trying to replace the british empire so much as the roman one, what with the gladiator battles and all the spectacle and violent pomp and circumstance. no matter how real the special effects are nowadays, we still always know that the death isn't real and the explosions were done with safety experts all over the place. and, that's just quite real enough, is it? besides, the real thing will be cheaper
and, since i'm talking to just my wife, are you getting off work early today or what?
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