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against the world
Friday, 29 July 2005
7/21 is just a joke

but, a hearty "nice try" to jill lawless of the associated press. at least, she's the only one i saw trying this with a headline, turning 7/21 into a 9/11 type "remember the alamo" slogan, nevermind that the whole 9/11 thing was stupid from the start here (regardless of how many people have embraced it). there's a 11 september every year, people. and, sure enough (i checked), there's a 21 july every year as well, even in england. so, stop it and stop it now, as dr phil might say.

that headline, by the way: Police Raid West London Homes in 7/21 Case

Posted by ca4/muaddib at 8:19 AM PDT
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Tuesday, 26 July 2005
BE PREPARED... to die and/or be tracked
tv guide is reinventing itself to have less of the schedule and more articles

law & order producer dick wolf is looking forward, despite the cancellation of trial by jury, to doing more law & order shows, including a french version of criminal intent

four boy scout leaders died monday (and another, plus two workers, injured) when a ten pole hit a power line. apparently, they were teaching the boy scouts what not to do when erecting a tent near power lines. needless to say, the boys got the message. the day before that, a boy scout volunteer died from a heart attack at that same jamboree event (some big boy scout shindig that gets sponsorship from the department of defense, despite the whole requirement-to-accept-god bit of the boy scouts... it should be noted, of course, that a federal judge has said it can't sponsor it anymore)

and, while some folks in rural south dakota (as if there is any urban south dakota) are fighting to keep analog cell phones, it turns out that the fcc wants all cell phone service to be digital by 2008. and, in other cell phone/fcc/big brother news, the fcc wants %95 of wireless company's customers to have by the end of this year, apparently, phones containing chips that allow emergency operators to pinpoint a person's location... when a call is placed to 911. cause, certainly the ability to track cell phone users would never be abused, and of course, if the government were to use it for anything but rescuing 911 callers, we would certainly hear about it, just like we hear about it everytime the patriot act--recently renewed, by the way--authorizes them to check on all our buying habits and our library check outs

and, part of iraq's new constitution gives islam a major role in civil law, raising concern about women's rights in marriage, divorce and inheritance

oh, and london and egypt are apparently exploding all over the place. and, it turns out the london police have nothing still on that guy they gunned down in the subway

but, the space shuttle blasted into outer space this morning, and christianity is all the rage, so all is well

Posted by ca4/muaddib at 8:13 AM PDT
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Friday, 22 July 2005
no fucking comment
"The House voted to extend indefinitely the anti-terrorist USA Patriot Act, while limiting to 10 years two provisions of the law that have become linchpins in the ongoing congressional debate: allowing federal agents to use roving wiretaps and to search library and medical records."

Posted by ca4/muaddib at 8:43 AM PDT
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don't wear a coat in london

more explosions in london the other day and apparently, they're all freaking out now. a guy of asian descent dared wear a long coat on a warm day and plainclothes cops chased him down and when he fell down they shot him multiple times and he died

sure, it's possible he actually was a "terrorist" but the entirety of cause those cops had was that he had on a coat and ran from the police--note, of course, those police were not in uniform, and who wouldn't run from a bunch of guys with guns?

it should be noted that one witness said the man appeared to have "a bomb belt and wires coming out." of course, then you have to notice that after the fact, reports haven't mentioned that bomb belt and those wires actually having been there

and this witness comment should be noted as well: "they pushed him onto the floor and unloaded five shots into him. he's dead. he looked like a cornered fox. he looked petrified." that witness went on to say that the guy didn't have any wires, just a thick coat... in london. isn't it the way of things in london, weatherwise, that if you wait five minutes the weather will change? isn't that what they say? maybe, despite the heat, this guy just liked to be prepared. or maybe he's a big fan of columbo. or maybe he's mentally retarded. or maybe he's a terrorist who just happened to have on his coat but didnt' bring his bomb today...

do any of those things demand his death?

Posted by ca4/muaddib at 8:17 AM PDT
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Friday, 15 July 2005
poem - "bored"
thousands dead and i don't care
thousands dead and i don't care
thousands dead and i don't care

it's a start...

might as well be jimmy cracking corn,
the details of this iraqi porn,
'cuase you know we're not supposed to see
the individuals dead for who they may be.
just know that we're winning,
that the onward christian soldier's grinning,
and god is on our side,
'cause surely the good lord CAN abide
all the blood...
afterall, he made the fucking flood.
and, he's supposed to be worth it,
worship, adoration, and all that shit...

but, what's the point,
when the greater good destroys the join
and thousands are just a sacrifice?
don't make me say it twice.
what's the point,
when the GREATER GOOD destroys the joint,
kills all the infidels...
ring the victory bells,
let your light shine,
and his kingdom be thine...

not mine...

built on the dust
of the wreckage that must
still, forever stink of death
as the world tomorrow draws his breath
and we all get to...

except, we aren't supposed to look
too deeply into the religion or the book
behind it,
the contradictions that don't fit...

cheshire bush is grinning,
lying through his teeth,
when his sword's already out its sheathe,
and the plowshare's trampled under,
the world torn asunder...

thousands dead,
another dozen just the other day...
i bow my head,
change the channel. what can i say?

i'm bored.
bush scored.

and, i just want...
i just want...
i just want...
i just...

what's on tv tonight?


Posted by ca4/muaddib at 9:34 AM PDT
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Thursday, 14 July 2005
poem - "useless"
you just did what they told ya
you weren't even a soldi(a)
their orders, you'd blindly follow
'cause your decadent life was so hollow
they'd tell you to mourn,
yellow ribbon, black arm band, at the terrorists point your scorn,
a patriotic wave of the flag--
useless; might as well be a plastic bag.
that would mean more,
as your biggest decisions come down to the store:
paper or plastic? want fries with that?
guzzle more gas with your SUV as you get fat.
and, folks half way 'cross the world die in your name,
but you're watching American Idol... surely, you're not to blame


Posted by ca4/muaddib at 9:23 AM PDT
Updated: Thursday, 14 July 2005 9:19 AM PDT
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harry potter is destroying christianity
gabriele kuby, a bavarian-based roman catholic sociologist, wrote a book criticizing rowling's books, arguing "that the potter novels blur the boundaries between good and evil and impair young readers' ability to distinguish between the two. she also asserts that they glorify the world of witches and magicians at the expense of the human world"

from the new pope: "these [books] are subtle seductions that work imperceptibly, and because of that deeply, and erode christianity in the soul before it can even grow properly"

i just have one response to all that


Posted by ca4/muaddib at 9:13 AM PDT
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Monday, 20 June 2005
i have trouble sticking thinks out, seeing them through (except for marriage and lego projects apparently). i had a comic strip, twice, and it fizzled, twice. i had an ongoing thing of being a writer (writing every day, cranking out many things still unpublished), but that fizzled into an occasional thing (occasional including the second gardia book getting into my head again lately, probably to see some light in a few weeks when hayley and kieran are in school). i started this blog and had a hell of a good time for a while, knocking out some great stuff, throwing in some of my best material and really making a go of it... but no one read it (save my wife and a couple others (literally)) and it's fizzled. i keep trying to restart it, jump it into overdrive, get all the things in my head out, even if no one really bothers to read it regularly

but, then i sit down and just don't feel up to it, and you know why? cause i keep trying to make every entry into more of an essay, an addition to my old rodent bits column (another thing that fizzled) rather than a blog. thing is, i don't care for the kind of blog that has drunk folks commentating on their nights out while on the verge of passing out, or sketchpads (for literal sketches or for passing ideas (a la warren ellis, though his bad signal has just enough interesting stuff that i still subscribe)). i want mine to be more, but i can't keep up with what i want it to be

and, so here i am, coming into this entry with the idea of celebrity charades on my mind, wanting to go on and on about how reality television has truly, like so many projects of mine, fizzled and died--not that we won't happily watch it twitch for a while--and i wanted to segue into some other recent television, like my defense (albeit not a strong one) of the inside or my offense at the plot of last week's premiere of the closer despite some damn good writing and characterization... but what's the point in that when i started this thing because of politics?

--insert a big smirk here--

of course, isn't my whole thing, my gimmick if you will, to make strange segues between pop culture and politics and religion and my own disgust at most of it? or something like that. i should be saying today that, despite what the Right would have us think, we are not all at war, we are not all in danger. and, i should be cleverly linking that into discussion of the inside's idea of putting the bait at the forefront of the show, nevermind the cries of mysogny, or talk of how the closer's love for junkfood (but not donuts) isn't as cliched as some reviews would have you think, and making sure to mention cheney suggesting last week (or at least it made it onto the daily show last week) there wasn't point in arguing against people who disagreed with him, and maybe i'd throw in some prognostication about iraq and how the suicide bomber killing folks at a police station there is certainly not much of a good sign of our supposed success

but, i'm not in the mood for cleverness. hell, you know what i want to do today? i want to get a new pen to carry around in my pocket wherever i go, as the previous one died yesterday, and i want to wander across town with my kids, and research some stuff on samurai and bushido for lion, horse, tree and do some work on my lego astromech droid (you can see the head, for some sense of scale, here) and maybe squeeze in a movie, and tonight there's six feet under, hell's kitchen, bullshit!, the closer (which better prove tonight that writers of good characters can handle good plots as well, and not the predictable case they had last week... hell, between the cliches of this show and the inside, i wonder if the network cop show is finally dead as well) and the daily show. but, i'll be writing soon. thoughts of lion, horse, tree are playing about the corners of my head, twisting and shouting and asking me to let them out, so i'll probably have to be getting to that soon, and maybe i'll get this little blog here going again as well

or not

Posted by ca4/muaddib at 8:37 AM PDT
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Wednesday, 1 June 2005
profound realization # 17
this has probably been covered before, but i never even took the time to think about it: the star wars movies are not science fiction

don't get me wrong; there are some definite sci-fi trappings in there, spaceships, blasters, aliens, laser swords, but thematically, it's all fantasy, not sci-fi. it's all about (and this is going by purpose, not necessarily execution, as some of the writing and directing falls a bit short in the recent episodes) the battle between good and evil and wizards (jedi, duh) and warriors and fantastic creatures (which might as well be dwarfs (ewoks), elfs (i don't know, those folks on kamino, just for one possibility?) and dragons and what have you. none of them need to be aliens, none of the jedi need to be anything other than elements of a tale of mysticism and politics (the latter especially prevalent in the recent trilogy), and the spaceships might as well be wagons or horses... or chariots, i suppose since they get involved in the fighting so directly. but, then, they fought on trucks and buggies in the road warrior, so it certainly isn't the method of conveyance that makes a thing into science fiction or fantasy or something else altogether (the road warrior being, arguably, the definitive action film). there's nothing of the jedi, midichlorians aside, that speaks at all of science. as han solo might point out, it's all a bunch of superstitious mumbo jumbo. the whole story's about as much a ripoff of fantasy epics like the lord of the rings as willow (another george lucas production, mind you) is. sure enough, the heart of each specific story lies in something other than the ripoff plot (and lucas acknowledged when he originally conceived of star wars that it was nothing but a ripoff (or at least homage) to old serials and stuff from joseph campbell's examination of myths and the hero's journey (certainly the fuel for many an epic fantasy)) somewhere in the actors and the specific story elements that take the plot beyond its generic roots. hell, thats why the orginal trilogy gets such recognition over the recent one: the actors and the specifics were better, less clinical, less sterile. in return of the jedi, we got to know something of the battle through admiral ackbar and lando calrissian and nien nunb and wedge antilles, and we were invested in these minor characters enough to care about not just the big jedi duel (vader vs luke) or the fight at the bunker on the forest moon (simple folk ewoks vs technologically superior imperials) but also in the space battle. in revenge of the sith, we get a spectacular battle, but it's just that: a spectacle, background imagery for a plot that doesn't demand we bother getting involved in a galactic conflict that clearly is shaping a hell of a lot of what we're seeing (looking at it from a realistic view of how the world (or universe) works, that is). in a new hope, a passing comment about the senate being dissolved actually means something, carries some weight, but in attack of the clones, that senate loses its power (long before the dissolution, by internal chronology) and we barely care, bring on the monsters and the droid battle and mace windu saying the "party's over" (just one phrase that didn't belong in the world of star wars, be it science fiction or fantasy (another being "girlfriend")), bring on the armies of the dead and the nazgul... oh wait, wrong fantasy film

the point of all this being, star wars, often held up as definitive science fiction, the epitome of special effects laden space opera fare, just isn't science fiction any more than highlander was a straight drama. thing is, i'd never really bothered to think about it until yesterday (while watching the two ewok films (which take the star wars universe and drop pretty much all the science fiction stuff altogether for giants, witches, magic objects and wilford brimley)) and it makes a strange sort of sense now how so many people can be big fans of star wars or star trek but not both (though there are certainly fans of both as well (me being one of those, sometimes); one of those series is science fiction, one of those is fantasy. they aren't necessarily supposed to share an audience

in other news, alone in the dark isn't a horror film either, despite it's packaging. it's an action film, an alien film, with a few spy film elements (and maybe even a few buddy cop picture details as well) thrown in for good measure... then some monsters interrupt every once in a while. yesterday was all about genre mix ups

then there was the shield and the daily show and a lego scuplture (which will be online soon here) just to round out the day

Posted by ca4/muaddib at 8:57 AM PDT
Updated: Friday, 17 June 2005 1:43 PM PDT
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Wednesday, 11 May 2005
a movie a day keeps the life away

  1. 0111 hero
  2. 0113 osama
  3. 0115 troy
  4. 0117 under the tuscan sun
  5. 0120 21 grams
  6. 0121 first blood
  7. 0122 sideways
  8. 0124 rambo
  9. 0124 code 46
  10. 0124 noises off
  11. 0125 spider-man
  12. 0125 the forgotten
  13. 0126 sky captain and the world of tomorrow
  14. 0127 blood simple
  15. 0127 the story of the weeping camel
  16. 0128 aliens vs. predator
  17. 0129 the lord of the rings the fellowship of the ring
  18. 0129 the lord of the rings the two towers
  19. 0129 the lord of the rings the return of the king
  20. 0130 the lord of the rings the return of the king
  21. 0202 ray
  22. 0203 danny deckchair
  23. 0203 the time of the wolf
  24. 0204 they live
  25. 0204 swimming with sharks
  26. 0207 rambo iii
  27. 0207 radio flyer
  28. 0208 harold & kumar go to white castle
  29. 0209 cold mountain
  30. 0214 the talented mr. ripley
  31. 0214 rabbit proof fence
  32. 0216 saw
  33. 0217 jeepers creepers
  34. 0219 million dollar baby
  35. 0221 donnie darko director's cut
  36. 0222 battlestar galactica miniseries
  37. 0223 i [heart] huckabees
  38. 0223 jeepers creepers 2
  39. 0224 house
  40. 0226 cube zero
  41. 0228 my architect
  42. 0301 el mariachi
  43. 0301 el mariachi (with commentary)
  44. 0302 desperado
  45. 0302 desperado (with commentary
  46. 0303 once upon a time in mexico
  47. 0303 once upon a time in mexico (with commentary)
  48. 0304 zero effect (with commentary)
  49. 0304 four rooms
  50. 0305 from dusk til dawn
  51. 0305 from duck til dawn (with commentary)
  52. 0306 spy kids
  53. 0307 a fistful of dollars
  54. 0308 series 7
  55. 0308 series 7 (with commentary)
  56. 0309 or 0310 evil dead
  57. 0313 bambi
  58. 0315 the incredibles
  59. 0316 bubba ho-tep
  60. 0318 what the bleep do we know?
  61. 0319 what the bleep do we know?
  62. 0320 dragons
  63. 0321 same sex parents
  64. 0323 the final cut
  65. 0323 envy
  66. 0328 dirty work
  67. 0329 finding neverland
  68. 0330 star wars a new hope
  69. 0331 star wars the empire strikes back
  70. 0401 sin city
  71. 0402 closer
  72. 0404 the indian in the cupboard
  73. 0404 the indian in the cupboard (with commentary)
  74. 0404 vera drake
  75. 0405 sideways
  76. 0406 sideways (with commentary)
  77. 0407 star wars the return of the jedi
  78. 0409 the amityville horror
  79. 0410 nurse betty
  80. 0411 star wars the phantom menace
  81. 0412 xxx
  82. 0413 brazil
  83. 0414 brazil (with commentary)
  84. 0414 airplane
  85. 0415 the battle of brazil
  86. 0415 brazil: the love conquers all version
  87. 0415 brazil: the love conquers all version (with commentary)
  88. 0418 the crucible
  89. 0419 spy kids 2: the island of lost dreams
  90. 0420 spy kids 2: the island of lost dreams (with commentary)
  91. 0421 the corporation
  92. 0423 primer
  93. 0423 sleepaway camp 2
  94. 0425 primer (with first commentary)
  95. 0425 primer (with second commentary)
  96. 0425 the woodsman
  97. 0426 star wars the phantom menace
  98. 0427 time bandits
  99. 0427 lemony snicket's a series of unfortunate events
  100. 0428 star wars attack of the clones
  101. 0429 not another teen movie
  102. 0429 the hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy
  103. 0502 event horizon
  104. 0503 joe versus the volcano
  105. 0503 the phantom of the opera
  106. 0504 blade
  107. 0505 this is spinal tap
  108. 0507 the incredibles
  109. 0507 waiting for guffman
  110. 0508 the villain
  111. 0510 the life aquatic with steve zissou
  112. 0511 the life aquatic with steve zissou (with commentary)
  113. 0511 in good company
  114. 0511 national treasure (to be watched this evening)

Posted by ca4/muaddib at 9:56 AM PDT
Updated: Wednesday, 11 May 2005 5:54 PM PDT
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