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against the world
Saturday, 24 May 2008
spoken word night, korean filmmaking and the local paper
Mood:  happy
in that last week and a half, i've been published twice in the local paper, once (as mentioned in a previous blog entry) with my own little section at the bottom of the page, and i've performed publicly some poetry and made a movie from a script i wrote.

the local paper thing was some debate (me pro, some other people con) about dual language programs in elementary school

the public performance was at the "spoken word night" at GCC (where, since i haven't been updating this blog in a while, i'll mention i've been a student since winter semester this year). my first time up, i read a poem called "bored" and a poem called "two and two is five." then, a while later, the guy in charge asked if i wanted to go up again and i read "bondage to bondage." i got the feeling the audience liked it and sarah said i did great.

and, i mentioned it in passing in a previous blog entry last week i think, but the movie was in korean, for korean 101 at GCC. I wrote the script and starred as kyungchalkwan (police officer) and did what there were of the director/producer duties (bringing props, telling the other actors and the camera guy what to do). it's a simple little thing, a single scene basically, something like 15 camera setups to cover it though I specifically wrote it so it could feasibly be shot with a single shot. it's got no plot really, an incomplete mystery, a crime scene, a somewhat ornery detective, and in the end a talking dead guy. it was called chuseokaysuh sarin (murder on chuseok, chuseok being a korean holiday). i'm suppose to be meeting with my camera guy tomorrow, as he's also the editor, about finalizing what music goes on the final cut of the thing

just some more of my more (realtive to previous ones, that is) outgoing year

Posted by ca4/muaddib at 8:54 PM PDT
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Tuesday, 20 May 2008
in support of dual language programs...
Mood:  a-ok
the following by me will be in tomorrow's local paper in the community commentary section:

Dual-language program is good for kids

By Robert Black
Published: Last Updated Tuesday, May 20, 2008 10:28 PM PDT
Regarding Glendale Unified School District’s dual-language program and the comment by Carlos Mejia of Glendale in his letter “English should be the only language taught” (Mailbag, Friday): The notion that a child will be confused and unable to be proficient in any language if that child is taught a foreign language alongside English is, and has been shown in numerous studies, wrong.

According to the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages, learning a second language at an early age has a positive effect on intellectual growth and mental development leaves a child with more flexibility in thinking and improves a child’s understanding of his own native language.

Add to that the cultural and social awareness and openness that comes from learning a second language and learning about the culture that comes with it, and a child already has a distinct advantage over other children, and that is before it comes to the future and the benefits of bilingualism in getting a job.

I think much of the dislike for the Foreign Language Academy Glendale dual-language program is coming from a misunderstanding of its purpose, which is keeping some people from looking at the aforementioned benefits.

I am choosing here not to assume cultural bigotry and xenophobia on the part of certain News-Press readers. Some people hear “dual language” and probably think of classes meant to coddle non-English speakers in this, a primarily (and officially) English-speaking nation, teaching them in their own language to ease them into English. And, while that sort of program is debatable separate from this, the current foreign language academy programs offer Spanish/English at Edison Elementary School, Armenian/English at Jefferson Elementary School, Korean/English at Keppel Elementary School and German/English at Franklin Elementary School, and are about educating both the foreign-language-speaking child and the English-speaking child to be fluent in both and, in the long run, to have the extra intellectual growth and mental development that comes with bilingualism at an early age.

To suggest that these programs are being imposed on the children is accurate only inasmuch as any of us parents, or our state or national governments for that matter, are imposing the general public education on them.

A program such as this, which adds to the curriculum already offered and helps promote the intelligence and cognitive skills of our children is nothing but a plus.

My previously mentioned assumptions aside, to suggest that in elementary school the only language should be English without any real qualification is xenophobic and comes across as culturally narrow-minded if not outright bigoted.

The world is not just the United States, is not just California, is not just Glendale, and even those three political units are more multicultural than that statement about the only language would seem to recognize. Each new generation will need more tools at its disposal to face our global economy and worldwide society. I would suggest that we would be better off with many more of these Foreign Language Academy Glendale programs (and similar programs in other cities as well) so rather than imposing English-only onto the world, we would be more open to more of the world’s people; after all, as far as native speakers go, English isn’t even the No. 1 language in the world.

 ROBERT BLACK is a Glendale resident.

Posted by ca4/muaddib at 11:14 PM PDT
Updated: Tuesday, 20 May 2008 11:17 PM PDT
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Sunday, 18 May 2008
boring useless details redux
Mood:  caffeinated
Now Playing: wire in the blood
it's late saturday, everyone's asleep. chuseokaysuh sarin (rough bit of phonetic spelling there) got its production tonight. that is, our group project short film for korean class--i wrote and directed it and also played kyungchalkawan (police officer). good time filming.

right now, i've got a rerun of wire in the blood on the tv. been watching reruns of this show every week since that new stand alone episode set in texas, and hadn't actually found them familiar until this one... i suppose i hadn't seen those particular episodes before.

anyway, had the laptop out to check the episode listings for wire in the blood and somehow happened over to the lemming drops studio site, found my old blog "boring useless details" and kinda missed that sort of rambling, unlike my other blog ("against the world") of my old essays, the b.u.d. blog wasn't about trying to make a point, political or otherwise, just me rambling about tv and movies and books an whatnot.

so, anyway, other than this wire in the blood on now and the filming earlier, i watched episodes 2 and 3 of ken burns' civil war today, took saer to a birthday party, made banana bread, and made an odd lego cave racer for a contest

of course, it's worth noting that i miss the other blog as well. ranting can be as fun as rambling, and doing both at the same time is just amazing

couple more episode of civil war tomorrow maybe, my niece's baby shower tomorrow also, sarah's got school, and tomorrow night i've got work

Posted by ca4/muaddib at 12:43 AM PDT
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Monday, 5 March 2007
this weekend in (short) film
saturday was my last day at my job in the language lab, and mostly i stayed out of the way for the new supervisor--oddly, i think i ended up doing more work than many of my days before, with all the questions and assistance--and stuck to a computer in the back, finding myself some short films online. see, for this year's oscars, i made an effort to see nearly all the films nominated for everything. i had even managed to watch 7 of the 10 nominated short films online before oscar weekend... and oscar weekend, my wife and i made it to a screening of all 10--and the danish poet (which won for animated short) is awesome and worth seeing if you get the chance. so, then i learned, after the oscars, that the documentary shorts would be screening this weekend, and between watching some short films in february and researching these documentary shorts--not to mention my own interest in producing a short film--my interest in short films was piqued, so there i was at work, scouring youtube for animated shorts listed on the oscars archive site and i managed to watch 12 at work, made it to the documentary short screening and watched all the oscar nominees for 2005 on dvd, plus happened upon harvie krumpet (which won the oscar for animated short for 2003) on sundance late saturday night and loved it. checked sundance ahead and recorded two more short films on the dvr, watched them late last night

anyway, a quick rundown:
  • the fan and the flower - simple visual style, wonderful story--a ceiling flan and a flower in a pot fall in love but can't be together--nice narration by paul giamatti
  • gopher broke - a pixar short i hadn't seen, amusing--a gopher deliberately sets up speedbumps to knock food off delivery trucks--but not nearly as clever as some of their other work
  • guard dog - ok visual style and an amusing little story, delving in the paranoid fantasies of a dog out for a walk, showing how his imaginings of what might happen to his owner make him bark at even innocuous squirrels
  • ryan - lacking in content (a little short and inconclusive) but a fantastic visual experience, using cgi to show emotional and other non-visual conditions as visual
  • the chubbchubbs - simple and short or i probably wouldn't have enjoyed this one much. alien janitor wants to sing, but the chubbchubbs are coming and folks freak out
  • katedra (the cathedral) - awesome (and i use that word properly here) visuals but the overall metaphor comes off a little like the ending of apocalypto, easily taken as an affirmation of religion by someone religious or taken as a condemnation of religion by an atheist... i'm pretty sure it was supposed to be the former, but either way, the visuals alone are worth it
  • das rad (the wheel) - all human history from the perspective of a couple piles of rocks, nicely done with a great visual style
  • atama yama (mt. head) - overall lacking in style but clever in its content, as a stingy old man finds a cherry tree growing on his head and people come there to picnic, and ending with an amazing visual i won't spoil here
  • give up aul yer sins - a little girl's telling of the story of john the baptist put to animation, lacking only because the girl just didn't embellish as much as one might hope
  • fifty percent grey - a very simple film about a guy finding the afterlife to be empty but for a tv, very funny
  • father and daughter - perhaps a little long, but its meditative tone works well at going slow, so i guess it isn't too bad. some nice visual metaphors but if i hadn't known ahead what this one was about i might have gotten lost in the slow middle
  • rejected - hilarious collection of supposedly rejected promos for the family learning channel and some other products, taking more and more absurdist directions as they go on
  • the blood of yangzhou district - the winner for documentary short this year, this film was 1) seriously sad in its subject matter, orphans left behind after their parents are dead from aids, some of them with aids themselves, and all shunned because of the lack of education about the disease in the poor area in which they live and 2) blatantly manipulative and self congratulatory as it was made by the people who were so proud of themselves for helping these orphans, or at least trying to
  • recycled life - an amazing look at the lifestyle of people living off of, and sometimes in, a massive dump in guatemala city, better in the first half when it is just presenting these people and their lives, losing some of its power as it moves on to talk about the attempts to school the children of these families
  • rehearsing a dream - at least in its objectivity, the best of the four documentary shorts this year, in my opinion, easily expandable into a feature length sort of thing like spellbound or the like. details the 7 day afaa affair in miami, in which 160 high school students interested in the arts got to workshop together and with professionals in their various arts. no agenda to this one
  • two hands - like the previous one, objective and lacking an agenda, but this one was too much just leon fleisher telling his story--about how a hand injury led to years unable to play piano and further hand problems once he got to play again--and not enough visual record, archival footage i'm sure would be available at least for more performances or something
  • harvie krumpet - harvie likes to be naked, can't help but touch things (and people he meets) with his finger, and, after an injury and a lightning strike, has a magnetic metal plate in his head, but he grows up, grows old, marries, raises a child and all of this displayed with some great claymation work. a beautiful little film, if you ask me
  • badgered - simple and plain, but amusing still, the tale of a badger trying to get some sleep, bothered by some noisy birds and some army missiles buried under his hole
  • the moon and the son - subtitled "an imaginary conversation" this is a conversation between a son and his now deceased father, an abusive drunk with ties to the mob and a life story he kept mostly secret until he was old and dying. pretty good, if maybe a few minutes too long, but it kept my interest, unlike...
  • the mysterious geographic explorations of jasper morello - despite some amazing visuals and designwork, this film, about a navigator desperate to prove himself sets out on a voyage that may just cure a plague, managed to be a little boring, and it's only 26 minutes long, so that's saying something
  • our time is up - live action short about a psychiatrist who changes how he deals with his patients wehn he gets some bad news from his doctor. it ends abruptly, but it's funny and gets done in its short time more than some much longer films manage sometimes
  • Ausrei?er (the runaway) not much to say about the plot of this one without maybe giving too much away. a guy gives a boy a ride to school and... gets stuck with him for the day. a simple film that borders on some cliches but avoids them pretty much because the two actors are quite good
  • the last farm - a wonderful visual in the end, at the grave, but a little pointless otherwise--seriously, i'm not sure what the point to showing the family on their way was at all
  • cashback - what could have been a nice treatise on midnight shifts and hellish jobs turns into an excuse to show naked women--which you'd think would be a good thing--but seems a little pointless in the end... apparently a feature length version was completed before this short even got nominated for anything. i'm curious what that's like, so i guess it wasn't all bad
  • six shooter - four people affected by recent deaths ride on a train. one of them just might be psychotic, and at least one of them suicidal. if you're into black comedy, especially tinged irish, this one's good
  • iota - sundance sceduled this one wrong and my dvr missed the ending, so i'm not even sure what happened in it--and i can't find it online--but i still liked it, something happened to a little girl, drawn out of her room under mysterious circumstances, a year later her deaf sister and her father deal with the trauma
  • the mood - a man's bad mood proves contagious and eventually dangerous

    and i still managed to watch the finale of daybreak online and the latest episode of battlestar galactica--and i really hope the writers come up with a way out of this without starbuck being a cylon, or katee sackhoff sinks her all into being a cylon--on the dvr and spend time with my family--trip to the flea market yesterday yielded some nice little people toys for saer, among other things--immediate and extended
    six shooter

    Posted by ca4/muaddib at 10:20 AM PST
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Friday, 12 January 2007
a political comic by me
haven't done one of these in a while, but the last few days i've been reading my old liquid thought comic strip from a few years back and rather liked a lot of it, and this image came to me after hearing recent news:

Posted by ca4/muaddib at 4:16 PM PST
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Saturday, 30 December 2006
on the death of...
i'd like to believe in the notion that "the aim of an argument or discussion should not be victory, but progress" (1) but it seems harder and harder as time goes by and our modern world turns darker and darker corners, to find any hope for progress, and only barely a dream for any true victory, for victory is defined by the man still standing after the fight, the nation still intact after the war, regardless of the scars, regardless of the casualties, the numbers, the statistics. it all comes down to the semantics of those in power, the words of those who will (or can) tell us of the goings on about our world, the media telling us what's what and who's who and what we should think about it and god damn the lot of us who ever care to speak against any of the more popular notions or to speak against any of the popular traditions, against the idea of a good war, the idea that religion can actually bring peace, the idea that executing a man already proven powerless will change a thing.

of course, then one has to wonder, if there is no change to come of it, why rail against it anymore than cheer for it? why bother getting up any ire on either side of the issue if this singular event does not hold the purported monument than those at the extremes of either side might think or hope? why dare suggest that the execution of a "bad" man is a bad thing (nevermind that my notion of why he may be bad is not necessarily the same notion as to why the bloodthirsty masses call for his death, nevermind the fact that most of those masses probably don't even know for what criminal act he was actually convicted)? see, the thing of it is "the trouble with fighting for human freedom is that one spends most of one's time defending scoundrels," like in my (that is mine, not that of mencken (whose quote i am interrupting) oft noted essay in defense of hitler and other politicians. "For it is against scoundrels that oppressive laws are first aimed, and oppression must be stopped at the beginning if it is to be stopped at all" (2). you cannot expect to fight the dictator in your own midst when you've already handed him all the power he needs to keep you down forever while you sat by and watch him bully some other dictator in some other land, because he's a bad man who kills folks who fight against him--not that our own government has ever fought against groups internal to this nation who don't appreciate or support the federal government's control over them, unless of course you count, for example, our own civil war, or on a lesser scale, say, the branch davidians or even vicki weaver (3).

oh no, did i mention the branch davidians and turn away what few people bothered to read this? surely, there can be no comparison between our own government, by way of the ATF and FBI, shooting and gassing and burning 76 people who didn't want to live how the government wanted them to live and saddam hussein (or rather, the iraqi government under saddam hussein, as we wouldn't want to make it personal and fuel the hatred of said person) gassing a town full of folks who would have rather he not rule over them as part of his nation and many of which were armed peshmerga, kurdish revolutionaries, who ahd previously actively fought against iraqi government forces and had even attempted to assassinate hussein himself. 148 people by the way. that was the guilty that got the death penalty and got the execution, "148 people in dujail, a mostly shiite town north of baghdad, after a 1982 attempt to assassinate him" (4). in a culture and a geography where bloodshed is a historical constant, his government lashed out and killed its detractors. one has to wonder if it is not to be expected that such lashings might present themselves differently in the middle east than they would here, with gassing and torture and death rather than imprisonment and only unsanctioned torture (not counting the sanctioned torture at guantanamo bay or in iraq) and only "humane" death. though there may be a degree of scale to the difference of it all, is that necessarily enough to pretend that one is so much better, morally or ethically, than the other? i suppose our modern society does put a certain value on genocide that separates it from everyday homicide, but is a healthy distinction to make if we truly believe that peaceful coexistence among the numerous cultures of the world can ever be possible? should we not subscribe to an actual "culture of life" (5) based on the notion that the betterment of the world for all peoples is a greater goal than some de facto notion that a certain way of life--democracy--is the be all end all of cultural evolution?

of course, to subscribe to that, we would have to also accept the idea that our species is not the be all end all of natural evolution, or, gods forbid, the idea that a great, perfect creator didn't put us here and put everything else--be it animal, vegetable or mineral--here for our bidding and our amusement. we would have to put aside a great many of the religious ideals that separate us in the first place, that cause our wars, the dictate our public policies, that make us believe some lives have greater value that others--now would probably be as good a time as any to mention that i happen to support abortion and euthanasia and think feeding the starving masses of the world only increases the number of starving masses rather than solve anything or save anyone, so find any hypocrisy you like in the notion of my arguing the value of life in general at this time--that sunnis or shiites or kurds or baptist or protestants or catholics or hindus or even atheists have some greater value over the rest because they have found the answers and, well, how can any other answers be right if yours seem oh so right? i ask you, though, what if there are no answers, as such? what if we are here and that is all, no gods, no masters, no rules but those are cultural evolution has ascribed to us--the basic tenets of the golden rule and don't take a thing which is not yours (be it life or property) omnipresent in the cultures of the world, the rest nothing but details.

"I call on you not to hate because hate does not leave space for a person to be fair and it makes you blind and closes all doors of thinking" (6). hippy, pinko, leftist claptrap, right? love your fellow man and sing "kumbaya" and don't eat meat and give a hoot, don't pollute and everything will be well. the bullshit notions of a liberal atheist who can't even hold down a regular job... or i just did the common political thing and tricked you. i admit, i play the game sometimes also, and i recognize the tricks all too often--not that tony snow or any of the voices of the powers that be bother with games much anymore, at least not in any cute, coy sense, instead outright lying ("who controls the past controls the future, who controls the present controls the past" (7) and all that) or avoiding the issue, or presenting the picture only bit by bit, coaching the audience "in ever so slight increments, pulled in deeper and deeper without knowing where it's going or seeing the total picture" (8). see, "monsters exist, but they are too few in number to be truly dangerous. more dangerous are the common men, the functionaries ready to believe and to act without asking questions" (9). and, sometimes you have to be a monster, a functionary to the master's cause or a monster in your own right, to get anything done or said. sometimes, you have to play the game. and, sometimes you have to quote saddam hussein speaking against hatred to make a damn point.

but, what is that damn point?

should we all just hug each other and accept each other's faults, come what may? or is that so obviously simplistic that you couldn't even suggest that i, or any of those horrible Liberals (capital L), would recommend it? just what is the fucking point here? a mass murderer (by chain of command) has been put to death, and i can sit here and hint at defending him, at condemning those who would cheer on his death, who would look forward to watching the video footage once it's released, but do i have some great solution to it all? will this essay end with the magic words that will fix everything, put an end to religious disputes, to oil wars, to torture, to death? of course not.

but then, again, i don't want victory. i want progress. i don't want to be right, necessarily, even when i'm arguing you are wrong. i want there to be common ground, even if its is agreement to disagree. but, you see, that doesn't mean we avoid the issue and leave it up to the powers that be. that doesn't mean we shrug off this execution or any other because it's just one more life--or that we cheer it on for that matter. "big government needs ever growing power to enforce more and more laws, to intervene in more and more foreign nations' affairs, to levy more and more taxes--and to handle public discontent with these laws, interventions and taxes" (10), and it us up to the citizens to stand up to the growing of that power. "this country, with its institutions, belongs to the people who inhabit it. whenever they shall grow weary of the existing government, they can exercise their constitutional right of amending it, or exercise their revolutionary right to overthrow it" (11). just like the iraqis had the right to overthrow saddam... hell, just like those kurds had the right to try to assassinate him to keep him from telling them how to live, we have the right to do what we can to keep our government from turning its mostly accepted (though obviously still disputed) role as the world's policeman into the world's bully or the world's dictator. when our president redefines torture so we can start using it against the enemy, when we find ourselves cheering execution and clamoring to watch it on youtube, maybe we shouldn't pretend we are so highly evolved beyond men who behead infidels on video or gas villages full of revolutionaries. when the tactics of the enemy become all too familiar as reflections of our own--or vice versa--how humane are we? and, who will overthrow us and cheer on our death? and, would they be so wrong to do so?

we humans tend toward arrogance, believing that whatever it is that we have decided is true must actually be true and anyone who sees different must be on something. it doesn't matter if we are religious. these days, agnosticism and atheism fall into that same style of boat, as it were, but what else can we expect with more than 6 billion lives, each unique and individual but all the damn same, go on about one another in a limited space but dispute and confrontation? though humane and human are separated by but a letter, it would seem that history tells us that our tendencies are anything but. and, we americans may be on top of the heap, but that does not mean we can do what we want to those below us, nor that we can ignore them either. "injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere" (12) and bloodshed anywhere might as well be right on our front porch as the blood is on all of our hands, and that, i would think, is not something worth celebrating.

(1) joseph joubert
(2) h l mencken
(3) that's a ruby ridge reference for those of you who aren't up on your conspiracy theorist terminology, players or victims
(4) though the details are public knowledge, i suppose, the wording comes from
(5) taking george w bush's terms but using them for something purer, i would hope
(6) saddam hussein, in a letter written 5 november 2006, the day of his conviction
(7) george orwell, 1984
(8) rick ross, speaking about the branch davidians
(9) primo levi
(10) carol moore, the massacre of the branch davidians: a study of government violations of rights, excessive force and cover up
(11) abraham lincoln
(12) martin luther king jr, letter from birmingham jail, 16 april 1963

Posted by ca4/muaddib at 1:52 AM PST
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Wednesday, 1 November 2006
kidnapped, political junk mail, and that fucking esperanza fire
so, kidnapped, a nice, intelligent show, in the thriller genre sure but still quite intelligent, not a suspension-of-disbelief kinda show like prison break or 24, and not overly stylized like vanished--and, yes, this is all subjective, but that the show is good is not my point, so bear with me--a well put together show with a good cast and an actual direction, an end in mind. so, it was notable when nbc, instead of cancelling the show outright, told the producers (who apparently, had mentioned this possibility preemptively back when the show got picked up, so kudos to them) to finish their story in 13 episodes, cause that was all they were getting. and, sure they banished the show to saturday night, a dead night for television in recent years, but they were going to keep it on the air, let it have its 13 episodes (and, they still may, but that is not my point here either), let it have a complete story (the more to sell dvds later, of course) and be done, wrapped up in a nice, neat little package. nevermind that many many shows would do well limited to less episodes, a la pay cable series or numerous british shows (the former often doing 13 episodes per season, the latter sometimes only doing 6). and, after a brief gap, sure enough kidnapped showed up on saturdays and continued its run...

for a whole two episodes

and now, for november sweeps, it will be replaced by reruns of law & order criminal intent. sure, it might still be back after sweeps, sure the network may stick with... well, their second agreement. but, what the fuck? you want to have shows be watched, but, even when you make a point (at least for those paying attention) of mentioning big schedule moves, changes to the episode order numbers, and the like, you still fuck with the schedule all over again in favor of sweeps... on a fucking saturday? that night will be dead either way. anyone remember when a show was given a chance to grow an audience for itself? no? me neither

the cynic in me says they only did the second agreement to draw some attention for the fans paying attention, to keep the title in our minds a little longer to insure dvd sales, but... well, i guess there is no but. the cynic wins this one. keep us thinking about it, keep us wanting it, then take it away again, so we'll be desperate to buy it to sit on our shelves along with threshold, firefly, ez streets, and wonderfalls*

the cynic in me would also like to complain about a couple other things today:

  1. political junk mail, ie email from political candidates, which my hotmail junk filters have kept away until recently. see, it's only been in the last week or two that this particular brand of junkmail has found its way past the filters to reach my inbox. now, i could assume hotmail is in on it, but i know how easy it is to get around bulk email filters. and, it seems so fucking convenient, just when its too late to complain--hell, the ubsubscribe function (cause, you know every one of these emails claims i subscribed to them, even though they are apparently one time emails and not one of many, worthy of a "subscription") will probably barely go into effect in time for next week's elections (assuming of course, there were more to come in my "subscription")--and just when it's close enough to the election to get these people's names in our heads. of course, for me at least, it makes me want to lash out at these fucking politicians rather than vote for them, but who's got the time?
  2. and, it's october in southern california, or was until yesterday anyway. that means fires. that there is a big fire raging is not national news, that firefighters died is not fucking national news, and fires do not deserve fucking names, damn it. scientists name hurricanes because they track them and study them and all that nice, scientific shit. we don't track these fires. we don't study them. i'm fairly sure we've got the whole fire thing figured out. so, we don't need to name them. and, i don't care how much this country worshipped firefighters 5 years ago, they do a dangerous job, they sometimes die, we don't have to pretend each one is important enough to get on fucking cnn
and don't even get me started on political proposition ads.

* to mention a few, and mix networks and styles and be, once again, completely subjective about quality

Posted by ca4/muaddib at 9:12 AM PST
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Thursday, 19 October 2006
posted without comment

Posted by ca4/muaddib at 3:41 PM PDT
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Wednesday, 18 October 2006
the military commissions act
one of my myspace friends posted about this and it occurred to me to post something also, just to be sure more people see it (different circle of friends and all)

under the new act, signed by president bush yesterday:

If the government chooses to bring a prosecution against the detainee, a military commission is convened for this purpose. The following rules are some of those established for trying unlawful enemy combatants who are not citizens of the United States. [Sec.948b (a)] The Act does exclude these rules from being applied when trying unlawful enemy combatants who are American citizens, per sections 948b(a) and 948c.
  • Certain sections of the Uniform Code of Military Justice are deemed inapplicable - including some relating to a speedy trial [Sec.948b (d)(1)(A)], compulsory self-incrimination [Sec.948b (d)(1)(B)], and pre-trial investigation [Sec.948b (d)(1)(C)].
  • A civilian defense attorney may not be used unless they have clearance to view materials classified Secret. [Sec.949c(b)(3)(D)]
  • Based on his findings, the judge may introduce hearsay evidence [Sec.949a(b)(2)(E)(i)], evidence obtained without a search warrant [Sec.949a(b)(2)(B)], evidence obtained when the degree of coercion is disputed [Sec.948r (d)], or classified evidence not made available to the defense [Sec.949d(f)(2)(B)].
  • A finding of Guilty requires only a 2/3 majority [Sec.949m(a)]
  • No defendant may invoke the Geneva Conventions in legal proceedings on their behalf. [Section 5(a)]
  • The President determines “the meaning and application” of the Geneva Conventions banning the torture of prisoners. [Sec.6 (a)(3)(A)]
  • The accused may be tried for the same offense a second time “with his consent” [Sec.949h(a)].
  • If the military commission returns a finding of Not Guilty, its convening authority is not required to take action on the findings. [Sec.950b(c)(3)]
  • no, you (or anyone) can be arrested and held indefinitely. you're attorney, if you are allowed to have one, won't necessarily be shown the evidence against you. you may be tortured if you aren't cooperative enough (or if the guard is in a bad mood, i suppose). and if, by some fluke of fate and luck, you are found not guilty, that doesn't mean anyone has to actually let you go free

    good times, these we're living in, eh?

    Posted by ca4/muaddib at 9:59 AM PDT
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    when the dragon stomps the rabbit
    was pointed to this birthday calculator this morning. you put in your birthday and it tells you stuff like your astrological sign (which most people know anyway even if they don't believe in them meaning anything), your life path number (which i'd be most people don't know even if they think it means something), the amount of years and months and days (and hours and seconds, but those woiuld likely be inaccurate since the site doesn't ask what time you were born) you've been alive, your native american sign, your egyptian and hebrew birth months, celebrities that share your birthday, the top songs the year of your birth, and, well, numerous other things

    much to my surprise, i learned this morning that the year of the dragon began two days after i was born, and for three decades i've thought myself a pathetic dragon when in fact i'm a rather impressive bunny rabbit

    actually, my first impulse was to tell my wife my worldview had been shattered, taking it all as a negative, but now i have decided to take it as a positive. like mulder wanting his pegleg, i've got my handicap now, a fuzzy little tail that makes all my cynicism and sarcasm and pessimism worthwhile

    The role of leader is the only one the Dragon wants, the better from which to give orders and be king of the hill

    but, that's not me anymore. now i am "timid and attractive," and while i can "lapse into pessimism and may seem stuck in life," i can enjoy my "contemplative pace" with life and hop over all the dragons fighting for leadership roles

    just don't burn my tail, please

    Posted by ca4/muaddib at 9:10 AM PDT
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