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against the world
Thursday, 2 December 2004
all in all it's just a...nother brick in the wall
Mood:  cool
Now Playing: kids watching blue's clues

all over the place today

last night's lost was great. asshole from "in the bedroom" who showed up briefly last episode turned out to be someone bad. locke made some creepy looks and seems a little too reverent toward the island, not to mention his great black and white eyes in claire's dream. and, i'm siding with those who think charlie's genuinely interested in and protective of claire and not those that think that just cause he's gotten firendly with island guru locke that he'll turn out to be a creepy island lover. and, we're three weeks into what the producers said would cover 40 days (the first season, that is), and now we're getting a real plot going. great setup so far. this show is still going strong

house is also going strong, after three episodes so far (how many more before fox cancels it?). i don't even have a problem with the basic format of incorrect diagnosis after incorrect diagnosis until finally the correct one rears its head. the characters make it work, and all the details are fascinating. plus, the latest was a little different, as they were correct in what they later assume was an incorrect diagnosis, only to prove themselves wrong in thinking they were wrong. and, house's interactions with clinic patients are great

ghost hunters is not a brilliant hoax. it can't be. it's some serious investigators followed by a relatively unbiased film crew played for realism and aiming at disproving hauntings. if they could just get rid of those damn edited in flashes of faces and stuff that show up early in every episode...

today is saer's second birthday. there will be cake and dora the explorer hats and plates and napkins and whatnot later--speaking of which, i forgot to wrap a couple presents in dora paper last night, so how do i manage that today without getting saer all excited (then upset) about those gifts until opening time?--and i gotta pick up that cake today at porto's, plus i still gotta go to ralphs (for the second time today), the automotive store a few blocks from here, the post office and blockbuster, plus pick up hayley early from school, sarah early from work, and take saer for her two year tune-up before the comic book store and my parents' house for the "party"

and, i had intended to get the smog retest this morning, but that got postponed for tomorrow, except tomorrow the gas company's coming over to check our heater that doesn't work

but, at least there's no tv on tonight, so i can finally get around to watching veronica mars from two nights ago and whatever i rent at blockbuster today: maybe ararat and spiderman 2, maybe whatever jumps out and says "rent me." i've been enjoying documentaries lately, though i might be informationed out on the iraq/bush thing... like that's possible, and there aren't many other subjects of which blockbuster is getting the documentaries

watched the saddest music in the world yesterday and was sure i didn't like it, though it was very watchable (i loved the look of it, made to look like a movie filmed when it was set, in the 30s) and somewhat entertaining. but, then i was describing it to sarah, explaining how the younger brother lost his son (but keeps his heart in a jar, preserved by his tears) and his wife left him only to turn out to be the girlfriend (maybe) of the older brother, who's also got a thing going with the beer lady with no legs, who lost her legs when in a car accident because the father was drunk and cut off the wrong one while trying to save her from the wreckage, and did i mention he was drinking cause he actually liked her though she had a thing for his oldest son, and all three of them, the father and the two sons are entering the competition to see what country has the saddest music in the world, as run by the no-legged lady (though she does get some glass legs filled with beer late in the film, though those shatter quite nicely, and she uses some of that broken glass to stab the older brother) and... well, i think i like it a whole lot more now that i look back and see how fucked up it really was, a comedy about sad people with convoluted, silly relationships

and i've been reading tom strong book 2 which i got from the library (i was looking to get a copy of catch-22 or fight club or contact but none of those three was there, so i got the second tom strong book and the second cartoon history of the universe book) and it's fun and all, and well written and put together, but there's something a little off about the structure with all the short stories that makes it pale in comparison to moore's other work, promethea or from hell or watchmen being some obvious examples). that being said, even moore's not so great work is better than a lot of other comic writers' best

and, i liked slaughterhouse five a lot, though i think i expected more of the ending. i think i was hoping there would be a big revelation about how none of it was real and billy pilgrim was just reimagining his life in a more palatable fashion so as to live with it (which was implied time and again, but never explicitly stated). but, it stuck mostly with leaving it to the reader, which should be a good thing... i just didn't expect it

and, i could go on forever like this, touch on the last two episode of the daily show (with great guests brian williams and chris hutchins) or last night's jeopardy (in which jennings defeating emperor zerg lost to what appeared to be a twelve year old), but as i mentioned, it's a busy day today. and i should be getting on with it

Posted by ca4/muaddib at 10:15 AM PST
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Wednesday, 1 December 2004
dumping dirt in the forest and strawberry shortcake's hair
Mood:  incredulous
Now Playing: kids watching dora the explorer

first, two men were arrested in idaho for dumping dirt in the forest. apparently, it's illegal to dump anything in a national forest, including dirt. and, these guys even raked the dirt out so it looked nice. still, they were arrested. go figure

second, who said they could change strawberry shortcake's hair? seriously, if you want to be nostalgic about old toys or just rip them off because you can't be creative enough to come up with new ones, have the decency not to fuck with them. don't make the transformers look like multicolored pieces of crap (with overcomplicated transformations, mind you, if one kieran acquired recently is any example). if anything, make them look more like real vehicles, with real coloring. improve them for the better, like that isn't the damn definition of the word. and, don't try to make strawberry shortcake look like someone new. if you wnat strawberry shortcake, have strawberry shortcake. if you want someone new, make someone god damned new. don't recycle old ideas because you don't have nay news ones. recycle old ideas because they are that damn good and deserve to be revisited. if you really want to change them, make them better, make them more interesting under the surface. don't just shallowly cut some hair or recolor some outfits or panels. you want a better strawberry shortcake or a better transformer, make them talk, make them transform themselves (the transformers, that is--though a transforming strawberry shortcake does sound fun. anyone have her manufacturer's phone number?), make them more like "real" versions of what they are supposed to be. then, soon, we'll have walking, talking teddy bears like in AI...

speaking of AI, was it that he was such a cynic that made the bear just about the most human character in the entire film? or was it a commentary on humanity's attempts to recreate itself that in joe and the bear we get more "human" characteristics than in david, who is intended to be more "human"?

and, i want one of those bears. he was cool. pessimistic and cynical, just how i like my bears. none of that happy-go-lucky picnic basket stealing crap or teddy ruxpin stroytelling-with-a-happy-ending-and-a-song crap. we need more negative children's characters. maybe not like that tarabisho chick, but let's get oscar the grouch his own yearly doll and get rid of that elmo kid--and shouldn't elmo be going through puberty by now? that could make for some nice mood swings and a whole new series of dolls. nocturnal-emmission-elmo, erection-in-class-elmo, acne-scar-elmo, and all that

and cable's screwed up today, keeps cutting out (kinda like my brain, if you have been able to keep up enough to notice). it better be fixed in time for tv tonight... speaking of which...


  • jeopardy - first post ken episode. hope emperor zerg with her vietnam era hairdo plays as badly as she did yesterday and is gone quickly, not that i'm still bitter in anyway in relation to jeopardy, not like i passed their test twice now and they'd let retarded folks on before me (not that i'm saying zerg is retarded; the two things were separate)
  • lost - babies and psychics and monsters, oh my
  • ghost hunters - a couple haunted houses. hope something (anything) happens
  • south park or good eats if i'm in the mood
  • the daily show

Posted by ca4/muaddib at 9:33 AM PST
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Tuesday, 30 November 2004
god damn miss spider for being right
Mood:  spacey
Now Playing: kids watching miss spider, obviously

so, miss spider just played the spiders-need-to-eat-their-webs-so-as-not-to-make-a-horrible-mess bit and i was doing my best to ignore it, but damn it if i heard that crap about how the web stuff had to be eaten to clean up. and, before i get on with my point, it was very clear in context of the show's structure that it was a silly take on recycling, not something actually useful. that being said, apparently spiders will sometimes eat pieces of their web (broken bits and whatnot) to conserve silk

but, damn it, it's still not good to let all the dogs out of the pound at once (a la dora the explorer) and fish should be allowed to eat one another (again, a dora reference)...

and, these shows need more episodes so they don't repeat all the same ones so often. hell, i swear this miss spider show only has like four half hour episodes so far (amounting to eight half-episode stories). maybe new shows should be regulated to once a week instead of the five days a week schedule

yeah, i'm talking about cartoon schedules on nickelodeon, but remember i've got three kids, two of them here right now watching their morning cartoons (usually dora, blue's clues then miss spider or another dora (if i manage to get the channel changed to noggin before miss spider comes on (kieran and saer refuse to acknowledge the crappiness of miss spider))

anyway, nothing much to say today about worthwhile things. politics are quiet, as the election is over and no one cares anymore. protests won't do anything to get us out of iraq at this point and no one can think of any good way to get bush out of office now that he got reelected (and kerry conceded). and no one is willing to contemplate violent rebellion cause they'll be struck down before they've even amassed a good stockpile of weapons (a la ruby ridge or waco (yeah, i reference such obvious examples. so sue me)). i wish i could find the original source of a line someone referenced in the weather underground documentary (and which i'd heard reference before): if you make peaceful revolution illegal then you guarantee a violent one. of course, the Left isn't full of as many reactionaries as the Right; i mean, of course, not so many that would resort to violence. the Left would rather sit around and hope for a better chance next election. the Left is fine with sitting around watching reality shows multiplying like rabbits and simple kids cartoons grabbing onto politically correct crap (that the Left helped engineer, of course, though it's certainly gotten a little out of control) and wait for next time, even as the Right gains more and more power and has put itself into a position to rule the world. if history is any teacher (and, it would be nice if more of us thought it still was), then we can be assured this Empire will fall like all those have come before. thing is, won't things get worse before they get better? a popular vote (exaggerated or not by electoral fraud) just got the big bad bush reelected. foreign countries were supposed to be okay with america still because it seemed we didn't all support this guy and his imperialist ways. but, now more than half of us want him in power, apparently, and the other half are too lazy to do anything about it. so, didn't it just become opne season on america? if any terrorists (cause, we're supposed to believe they're hiding all over the place, aren't we?) were harboring any doubts about whether or not we were all explendable, didn't we just erase those doubts?

our administration will lie or blur the facts to support any part of their cause they like. and, we let them get away with it, because there's a little bit of truth in each lie (a little like i'll forgive that web-eating on miss spider now that i know it can happen in real life (how's that for coming back to my opening?))

how much more will we be willing to accept before we either do something or really all run off to canada or whereever? if we've got four more years in the direction we've been going for the last four, what will it take to recover?


watchlist for today:

  • jeopardy - tonight's the night, supposedly, ken will lose finally
  • the rebel billionaire - seriously endangering contestants has been fun so far. i'll keep watching
  • amazing race 6 - more fighting, more bad map reading and stupid decisions
  • house - loving this show so far, though to be fair i'm not sure if i'll actually get to watch it tonight. will be recording it when it's on and watching it later
  • veronica mars - loved how they didn't let the notion that veronica's dad isn't her dad linger and just had someone say it outright after only an episode since the initial clue. like house, though, i'll be taping this and watching later. i can tape two things and watch a third, and amazing race isn't worth keeping, so that's my "third"
  • the daily show - back from vacation again and funny as always
  • and i've got the saddest music in the world here to watch sometime too

Posted by ca4/muaddib at 10:45 AM PST
Updated: Tuesday, 30 November 2004 10:57 AM PST
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Monday, 29 November 2004
revolution on the street
Now Playing: kids watching dora the explorer

news of palestinian puppet tarabisho's call for violence swept the world recently. and, after american puppet w had already managed to start a couple wars across the globe, it was only a matter of time before more puppets started getting riled up

the violence hit the streets of sesame this past weekend as forces led by elmo set out to rid the world of the "so-called muppets, who aren't even good enough to have their own show. and don't even get me started on their films"

dozens are dead or missing and presumed dead

elmo made his first play for power last week, when he interuppted a plea by bleeding heart prairie dawn for peace and love. "we will not stand for this peace and love bullshit anymore," elmo said. "it's time puppets wake up and smell the world as it is. first we get the muppets out of our way, then on to the humans. no more will we be operated by sticks and hands stuck into our backsides. now is the time when we stand on our own and show the world what being from the street is all about"

a systematic "cleansing" followed, with morally bankrupt puppets first on the trashheap. first went bert (who, despite rumors to the contrary, was not an evil mastermind but just an evil homosexual) and ernie, lifelong companions who had recently demanded the right to marry. next went kami, a south african import with hiv, "who had to have gotten that from a queer," according to elmo's trusted advisor (and rumored true leader of the "resistance") oscar the grouch. sitting in his trashcan, stroking his pet slimey, oscar further called for the destruction of big bird before ordering the march on the "muppets"

it wasn't long before the first net broadcast, the easily recognizable green limbs of kermit the frog beneath a canvas hood, on the floor in the background, gonzo and fozzie bear, also wearing hoods. and, elmo and zoe stood behind kermit. "let this be your first lesson," elmo announced before tearing the marionette sticks from the backs of kermit's elbows. then, soaked in the frog's blood, and ignoring the cries of pain as best he could, elmo proceeded to saw away the beloved frog's head

on larry king, miss piggy demanded a response, a show of force that would put "these street folk" in their place

but, sam the eagle (turning against his muppet brethren) entered the studio with a group of singing cows and the cookie monster and the porcine beauty was taken into custody as an "enemy of the street"

american puppet w put a call through to elmo, congratulating him on his success thus far, but wondered about the manhattan (taken, as many will remember, in 1984) enclave of muppets and what could be done about these insurgents

elmo went to his trusted advisor, oscar and demanded a plan that would rid the world of the infidel muppets. and, thus came operation chocolate chip: millions of chocolate chip cookies would be delivered to manhattan, through, among other means, the 83 mcdonald's restaraunts there. then, after the manhattanites and the muppets had gorged themselves on super-sized meals and chocolate cookies, the cookie monster (starved for four days prior to the operation) was sent in. the stench of chocolate chip cookies was everywhere, and the cookie monster began to eat in no time, and he ate and he ate and he ate

and, then, in the last toy store on manhattan, the last of the muppets, led by beaker and bunsen honeydew, fashioned a dirty bomb and destroyed themselves, taking the now gargantuan cookie monster with them

waldorf and statler were heard to say "good show, but we've still got hands up our asses"

"if only puppet w could reveal his true puppet nature to the world and get the national guard on our side," elmo lamented. oscar handed elmo a cynaide capsule then laughed and stroked his pet worm some more. "you're young, elmo. you couldn't have been expected to win against such powerful opponents, but you made your mark." elmo took his capsule and died. "yes, you made your mark," oscar repeated. then, he took out his cell phone and made a call

"tarabisho, it's oscar. the street is clear whenever you've finally given up on the west bank"

note: obviously, the names above don't really have anything to do with any actual muppets or denizens of sesame street, and no puppets were harmed in the production of this essay

Posted by ca4/muaddib at 9:50 AM PST
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Tuesday, 23 November 2004
let them die
Mood:  lazy
Now Playing: kids are watching miss spider

despite dora the explorer, it's not a good thing to let all the dogs out of the pound. despite miss spider, spiders don't need to eat their webs so as not to leave behind a mess. despite dora (again) fish may actually eat one another and you don't have to tell them to open their mouths if they go ahead and do so...

but, back to that pound thing, and on to ethiopia, cause you know, if dora did a very special ethiopia episode, they'd find some magic cure to hunger or teach all the ehtiopians to farm or put out a nice advertisement to those just-a-penny-a-week-and-this-child-will-eat campaigns, or something similarly politically-correct and ultimately ridiculous

dogs are put in the pound to improve the lives of people and other dogs. too many stray dogs around and they will all have limited food, not to mention making a hell of a lot of trouble for us humans. and, for that matter, hunting is a good thing, cause it keeps populations down, makes it so the deer (for example) left behind have enough food

on the other hand, sending food to starving kids doesn't really help. sure, it helps that kid that week, but it also just keeps that kid alive to need food next week. starving nations don't need more food. they need less people. if you add food, the population will increase and you will have more starving kids, not less. you want to save the starving kids, kill a few of them, or let a few starve to death already. leave the situation alone for a while, maybe. of course, you'll have to not watch what happens for a bit, lest you be tempted to run back in with bundles of food in hand

yes, let them die. let their numbers decrease

it is not your problem to fix them or save them all (anymore than it's your job to fight off their totalitarian leaders, either). we've got our own starvation problems here. we've got our own poor. save your pennies, spend them on something more worthwhile


  • jeopardy
  • rebel billionaire
  • amazing race 6 (i think i've discovered a way to watch this tonight without involving a new vcr)
  • house
  • veronica mars

Posted by ca4/muaddib at 10:19 AM PST
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Monday, 22 November 2004
the war on the culture of life
Mood:  cool
Now Playing: finger eleven

first of all, happy exploding head day. and, if you don't get that reference, you suck. and, if that reference offends you, good

second of all, new cia director says agents should support the current administration. odd how that wouldn't seem to fit with objective intelligence gathering and reporting, but what do you expect from an organization that was never supposed to have field agents in the first place*

third of all, apparently, there was a fight at a basketball game, or rather something approximating a brawl. and, some players have had some major penalties put on them. gotta wonder whether any criminal charges will be fairly given to the audience members involved as much as they are given to those players

fourth of all, a doctor in utah has been charged of the death of a woman with breast cancer. see, he treated her holistically and she skipped on some chemotherapy and surgery. was it stupid of her not to do what's proven to actually help in a lot of cases? yeah, probably. but, that was kinda her decision. stupidity is not illegal...yet, and probably won't be anytime soon. of course, government folks like to outlaw decision making if it doesn't jibe with the culture of life. that schiavo guy in florida couldn't kill off his braindead wife, and now this doctor in utah can't treat a consenting adult in the manner she wished to be treated. and, euthanasia doesn't even get press much anymore since they locked up kevorkian

when are people going to get it? you don't have the authority to decide who lives and who dies. only government officials can decide who dies, who gets executed, who gets aborted, who gets euthanized, who gets bombed, who gets shot full of holes while defending his home. only government officials can decide which deaths fit with the culture of life

you take your life into your own hands, be willing to be punished for it. you put your life in the hands of some unorthodox doctor, he better be willing to be punished for it as well. that utah doctor (we'll call him pontius, as the freudian slip of a typo on the los angeles times called him**) could face up to fifteen years in prison for doing something he believed was right and could work and to which his patient consented. you'd think pontius would take a cue from kevorkian and do his business in unmarked vans in deserted parking lots, hide that unorthodox shit from the prying eyes of big brother and his ministry of homeland (and culture of life) defense. see, you gotta keep things like this secret, keep revolutionary ideas (whether they relate to medical treatment or what have you) secret until you've got some support. otherwise, you risk jail time or a governor saying your wife has to be kept alive a lot longer, nevermind whether or not she's actually braindead already, nevermind whether or not it's good for her or not

and, why not discourage folks from getting the good medical treatment that actually works, anyway? i mean, we've got a population problem on this planet. maybe, if a few more folks would try some holistic medicine to fight off the big diseases like cancer, we'd not have so much starvation in the world--those sick people being soon therafter dead and all


  • i'm not scared
  • the daily show


  • slaughterhouse-five maybe

and, my website remodel is finished. go to or to see it. got a lego page now and a page of preblog essays

* yeah, the cia was never supposed to gather intelligence but just be the liaison organization between the other intelligence gathering agencies. odd thing is in recent years, there's been talk of a new department to do the job the cia was supposed to do originally

** doctor's name is actually pontis, david eugene pontis, but the los angeles times got a lovely typo out of his last name

Posted by ca4/muaddib at 10:30 AM PST
Updated: Monday, 22 November 2004 10:36 AM PST
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Friday, 19 November 2004
i should be working
Now Playing: blue's clues (in the background)

i should be working on finally finishing the remodel of my website (that's for anyone new here). i've got one more run of my demo copy of frontpage to finish it all and only a couple changes to make (notably adding two new links to the banner that sits atop each page), but i don't feel like doing that today

i should be working on clubhouse blues, which i've been contemplating restarting (again) with some dueling first person narrators... that is, rather than tell this story in the third person, i want to let jimmy and maureen tell the story, switching between the two of them here and there (most likely when it's most inconvenient for them; i'm guessing these two won't be likely to want to talk about their own private matters as much as they might be willing to reveal each other's)

i should be heading off to do laundry, and i will be doing that soon enough. but, there's much else to be done. i've got ten complete novel manuscripts under my belt, not to mention numerous short stories, a bunch of poems and more than a dozen comics (plus a year and a half or so of a comic strip). but, of all that, all that's been published (properly) is a short story (under the snow, about a 1950s russian woman dealing with the birth of her child, not that that tells you anything at all about what it's actually about), and that only in a startup zine that apparently ended up going nowhere. one poem (a slippery piece of the universe) made it into a pathetic collection from (big scam setup, so i don't count that as proper publishing). as for comics, i self published a few but never quite figured out how to promote them or get them to more a few people. there were never any serious print runs, and of what few copies i printed, i've still got leftovers

lately, i've even been gearing up to self publish (through cafepress) one of my shorter novels (seeing her naked) just to see how that goes. my latest novel (the gardia set the empress of time) i've sent to a couple publishers and i need to send it out again, but i've hit that motivation roadblock that's come up so many times before. after a certain level of failure (for lack of a better word) it's hard to put in the effort to do it over and over and over again, nevermind that i barely know enough about some of the pubishing industry to even know what publishers or agents might actually want this novel or any of my earlier ones). hell, when i sent out a short story (the gardia set the escalor) earlier this year, even with the writer's market book, i could only find one good publisher for fantasty fiction from an unknown author, and my story didn't grab their interest. so, then it got put away (though it will be on the remodeled website at least, once i get that put together in the next few days) cause i didn't know where else to send it

my comic strip (liquid thought, which was on my site then on comicsherpa at for a while) wasn't a raging success, so i wasn't motivated to keep it up

my message board never got too popular, so i've mostly given that up as well

this blog, for now, could be going nowhere and i can't even tell, and i've got me some rambly skills, and way too much on my mind, so this might last a while. now, i just got to figure out some good promotion for it...

aye, there's the rub. promotion. i can write. i can draw. i think i even do both fairly well (especially writing). but, while i can create great characters and construct complicated storylines and intricate worlds and i can weave a good plot, i've yet to master whatever it takes to convince others that my stuff is worth their time, let alone worth their publishing effort. and, as i learned in self publishing comics, getting some copies together is far far away from getting folks to buy them. that's part of why i want to make seeing her naked available in print, another chance to figure out self promotion. and, then, maybe there will be more where that came from:

  • the man with the holes in his hands
  • bridges
  • grazers or into the mouth of the river of time
  • demonangel catharsis
  • charlie
  • first covenant
  • reverence
  • beginning
  • the empress of time
and maybe i can add clubhouse blues to that in the near future

and i didn't even get into my completed screenplays. yeah, i've got those, too. i'm one of those prolifically failed writers you hear about all the time, and i'm notably too antisocial to change that status anytime soon. fun fun fun

no watchlist for tonight. it's friday, real time is on hiatus, the stargate shows are on reruns until january and i dropped joan of arcadia before the end of season one. plus, i haven't made it to blockbuster today yet to rent two movies... watched the thing last night and liked it and watched the hunting of the president a couple days ago. odd that i never liked clinton when he was president but i like him a little more now (though his line about liking kerry and bush played on the daily show last night didn't do much for me)

almost done reading stripper lessons by john o'brien. if only i'd get more than a few minutes of reading time in one block. maybe i'll finish it at launderland in a bit. next to read... i'd like to try something by vonnegut maybe, since i've still never read him, or catch-22 or the stones of summer... and, i've still got master and commander from the library, though i'm wary to try reading it. if it's bad, fine, but what if i like it? then, i've got--what?--21 books to read. like i need that

Posted by ca4/muaddib at 10:18 AM PST
Updated: Friday, 19 November 2004 10:20 AM PST
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Thursday, 18 November 2004
still, with the fcc crap
Mood:  spacey
Now Playing: green day - american idiot
so, we've gotten so concerned over what our children can see that we can't let them see a naked white woman (from the back and from the shoulders up, only) jump into the arms of a large black man? we've gotten so concerned with what our children see that we have yanked the viagra ads off the air and fired all the scantily clad cheerleaders and escorted them off the premises of our nfl games... oh wait, we didn't do that last bit, did we? gotta wonder about if the folks crying racism might have a point this time. if it were a white player involved, would this be anything?

it's not possible that shoulders are really that offensive, is it? it can't be moral outrage over nicolette sheridan taking off her towel (and showing us absolutely nothing), can it? i mean, if you want some outrage, how about we marvel over the apparent work sheridan has had done over the years, likely to fight off age since all she's ever had are her looks (and not much acting ability that i've ever noticed), but she didn't even look like herself in that monday night football segment. i'd guess a facelift or two, some botox maybe and some lip inflation... of course, what's wrong with that, right?

afterall, we love the recent, extreme takes on the classic television makeover. we give shows like extreme makeover and the swan a second season. we love that with a little surgery, we can all be beautiful. it's right up there with our chance ar being on a reality show could make us famous. fame and beauty, the two godly powers our american culture gives us outside of (and hand in hand with) money. and, the dream is, we can have it all. we can be famous just by qualifying for some reality show, even if it's the most insulting thing around, portraying us as ignorant rednecks or shallow socialites or what have you--we've all got something these shows can exploit to make us look bad, i'm sure

the thing is, as long as we can keep dreaming of joining the ranks of the celebrity gods, the millionaires (instant or not) or just settle in to surreal life quality pseudocelebrity, we don't have to fix our lives as they are, do we? we don't have to be concerned with our economy or our healthcare. we don't have to really think hard about how many people we have to kill in which third world country before we feel good about ourselves, before it truly feels like we're doing some good for the world. we don't have to question the authority of the president or the cia or the ministry of homeland security and how they want to infringe on our rights... don't we want our privacy destroyed? don't we want everyone to see all our dirty secrets? isn't that how we become famous these days?

of course, what happens when we have all had our fifteen minutes? what will the next step be in our battle to be the most shallow, most famous, most forgotten celebrity demigod around? what happens when we all want another fifteen minutes? how many reality shows does it take to get all three hundred million of us another quarter hour of fame? how many surgeries must we undergo? how many houses must we remodel? how many complaints must we file with the fcc? how many times must we pretend we're important and influential before we actually are? how many times must we pretend our voice matters in the grand scheme of things before we're muffled and muzzled for being a nuisance?

how many women must we see removing their towels before we put a stop to the "moral decay" of this country? i for one, am eager to find out ;)

no watchlist. it's thursday

Posted by ca4/muaddib at 10:15 AM PST
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Wednesday, 17 November 2004
down with the fcc
Mood:  irritated

and, don't read that title the wrong way. i'm not saying anything against the fcc. i'm saying i'm "down with" the fcc. that's right. i'm right there with the fcc, saying fine fox, fine viacom, get howard stern off the air, and don't hold janet jackson and justin timberlake responsible for what they clearly did, and didn't tell the network they'd be doing. if one person was offended by married by america (and, don't even tell me that you weren't, cause i sure was), then fox should not only be fined but all of those involved in producing the show and making the decision to put it on the air should be taken out and shot. and, we might as well throw in whoever wrote the blurbs for tv guide and whoever edited together the promos and whoever put those intrusive little bottom-of-the-screen promos for the show on the screen during other shows, and whoever produced those shows, and anyone who actually enjoyed the show (which apparently couldn't be that many people, since the ratings were so bad, the show already got rejected by america ("rejected by america"... a new show idea? i think i might call up someone at fox right away)... and, all of those people should be shot as well. and we should cook all their bodies and feed them to the starving children of this country, and hand over their assets to the Right in thanks for protecting us all from this prurient garbage

better yet, let's send all those people to iraq. i mean, we've got a numbers problem in the military, right? and, bush claims he won't institute a draft, so, we gotta get new potentially-dead soldiers somewhere. so, the new rule is: you produce a piece of entertainment that offends a citizen of this country, the fcc will hunt you down and shove you right into army boot camp and you will be shipped off to the frontlines in iraq. the fcc will be the new recruitment office. and, as usual with the fcc, we won't hold them up to any scrutiny, cause making sure their actions are justified will just slow down the recruitment rate and further the moral decay of this once great nation

you simulate sex on the air, you blur naked people, you show a critically acclaimed (but unfortunately realistic) war film, you get a one way ticket to iraq. and, the good news: with the way iraq has been going so far, this system should work for a very long time, certainly long enough for us to get a handle on our airwaves and get control of what sort of generic family sitcoms are left behind once all the offensive content is gone. no more fx shows with sex and violence and immorality. no more hbo shows, glorifying criminals and their evil ways. and, while we're at it, no more liberal media news shows and no more history channel, damn it, cause those documentaries about past wars do nothing if not make our citizens realize how bad things might actually be in iraq

the fcc gets to rise up in the chain of command, in the seats of power. hell, let's get the fcc its own cabinet spot. minister of airwave defense, or something appropriately commanding

watchlist for tonight:

  • lost (assuming they refrain from showing anyone with any items of clothing missing, or anyone engaging in violence (not in the name of spreading freedom, anyway) or other immoral activity)
  • ghost hunters (assuming the ghosts are clothed and the voice phenomenon are kosher and without profanity)
  • south park (assuming it amounts to half an hour of blank screen)
  • and i mean to get sarah to watch last night's premiere of house (before the feds come and stop me)

    Posted by ca4/muaddib at 9:32 AM PST
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Tuesday, 16 November 2004
false start
Mood:  not sure
i've started today's entry a few times. there was a line about condoleeza rice and her angry ways being more fitting maybe to secretary of state than national security advisor (not to mention her inability to do anything about national security). there was a line about how republican politics and american destruction of the rest of the world was paying off (for now) and life here is comfortable enough, and probably will remain so for a good amount of time (not that leaving all this shit to our kids is the way to go). there was a line about how i had nothing to say today; afterall, the Right dominates this country and holds more of the more powerful offices in this country, sets policy and doesn't listen to suggestions or allow for change from the Right way. but, what's the point--you know?

why bother speaking when no one's listening, even those who are? speak to the believers, preach to the choir, as they say, and they will just nod their heads--oh yeah, this country's gone to hell and bush and his cronies have got to go, and all that--but won't do a thing to fix anything. try to convince the opposition and you're likely to receive a beating if you aren't careful

dr phil can make a thing of how calling us divided is a bad thing cause we're still all american's but so what? a little too late for this quibble, but so are canadians americans, and mexicans americans, and brazilians americans and cubans americans and haitians americans and hondurans americans and folks from panama and uruguay and chile and argentina and paraguay and columbia and, well, too many countries for me to think of them all right now--they're all americans too. we don't hold a copyright to the name. hell, amerigo vespucci*, if you believe his claims in the first place, didn't even make it to north america. the name applies to the darker skinned folks down south who a lot of us wouldn't even care to acknowledge

we are the "united states of america" nevermind the lack of unity. we are not America

we are the thorn in the side of mother earth. we are the favorite child of mother culture**, the scourge of mother nature, burning away resource after resource, damn the consequences, slaughtering insurgents and innocents alike in the name of spreading democracy, when we can't even handle the real thing, instead hiding behind manipulative and manipulated electoral votes lest the more educated population centers get a grip over the direction of this country... not that that would end well, cause you know those hicks on their farms and in their trailer parks have a lot of weapons... maybe it's time we get some liberal militias going, if that's even possible, just to even up the odds and give ourselves a chance

i'll wait for you to stop laughing

watchlist for today:

  • the hunting of the president
  • jeopardy
  • the rebel billionaire
  • amazing race 6
  • house
  • the daily show

* where we get the name "america" for those of you who know nothing

** read daniel quinn's ishmael for 'mother culture'-the voice that guides so-called modern civilization

Posted by ca4/muaddib at 11:05 AM PST
Updated: Tuesday, 16 November 2004 11:09 AM PST
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